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Top 10 Things Canadians Want You To Know

everyone’s favorite friendly country has
some fun facts to share welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top 10 things
Canadians want you to know before we
begin we publish new content every day
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for this list we’re looking to clarify
Canadian stereotypes correct
misconceptions or generally gush about
things that we think you should know
about this North American country I’m
number 10 it’s not winter all the time
when many people think of Canada they
picture blizzards and polar bears and
don’t forget the stereotype that all
Canadians live in igloos hockey pucks
well it’s true the Canadian winters can
be intense and long Canada does warm up
during the summer months
igloos would be pretty useless there are
many ways to describe the summer of 2012
hot dry extreme but if you’re feeling
the burn
consider it a unifying Canadian
experience like in many other countries
Canadian seasons are varied and unique
visit in the summer or fall and you’ll
be surprised at just how warm it can get
especially in the southern part of the
country though one thing is certainly
true visiting Montreal in the winter can
get a little slippery number 9 Toronto
is not the capital of the country while
there is a joke that they like to
consider themselves the center of the
universe contrary to popular belief
Toronto is not the capital of Canada so
guys doing anything fun while you’re in
town fun in Toronto it is however the
largest city in Canada by population and
the fourth largest in North America
just above Chicago the title of Canadian
capital goes to the much smaller and
quieter Ottawa how did we end up with
Ottawa so reduced the capital of Canada
a lovely city dedicated mainly to being
the center of government much like
Washington DC Ottawa often gets mocked
for being boring suburban oh how it was
great everything Brooklyn does really
yes other than my job and my friends my
family you interesting people museums
restaurants while not as exciting as
Toronto perhaps Huddle’s charms are
still not to be missed
ah the Paris of central Canada number
eight a Canadian invented basketball
believe it or not it was the Canadian
James Naismith a McGill University
graduate who invented this popular sport
back in 1891 Naismith was a phys ed
teacher at the YMCA International
training school in Springfield
Massachusetts he struggled with a class
of students who were disobedient and
short-tempered due to being stuck inside
all day thanks to a harsh winter he
resolved to create an indoor game to
keep the students distracted and that
would help them stay in shape the end
result was basketball a hundred years
after James Naismith from almot Ontario
vanity basketball was being played by
hundreds of millions of people around
the world number seven Canadian bacon is
just ham there’s bacon Canadian bacon
that’s right the term Canadian bacon is
actually one made up by Americans in
Canada it’s known as back bacon which is
a far more accurate term but really it’s
just him just look at it does that
really look like bacon no and Canada
agrees if hams Canadian bacon and what
the hell do you call bacon Canadians
take their bacon seriously and as such
the fact that Canada’s come to be
associated with this term borders on
being offensive to the Canadian culinary
world in all seriousness real Canadian
bacon is excellent if you live south of
the border so if you want a real taste
of Canadian bacon you’ll just have to
make the trip we highly recommend the
maple glazed variety no you gave me
Canadian bacon instead of bacon this
misdeed cannot go unpunished
number six Tim Hortons isn’t our only
National Coffee chain sure when you’re
in the mood for a quick double-double or
a box of Timbits
Timmy’s is a great place to stop thanks
for the free doughnuts doughnuts
okay but it’s not Canada’s only coffee
chain or even its best second cup is
another of Canada’s National Coffee
chains and some would argue it’s much
better it’ll be a typically more
expensive set your second cup of coffee
uh third y-you could also try
montreal-based van Houtte which has
cafes across the province of Quebec
while competitive pricing amazing
marketing campaigns and its place in pop
culture has made Tim Hortons the
reigning champ
you still got options plus we even have
scar bucks Oh coffee is excellent number
five we have two official languages my
friend in Canada who got married way too
young they had to do their vows twice
once in French they speak French there
too God meant places a mess the history
of Canada is shaped by both the English
and the French with the two both laying
claim to parts of the land until the
Seven Years War at the end of which
France ceded its colony to the English
thanks to the policies of official
bilingualism enacted in the 20th century
both languages are part
did and represented today it’s Canada
just say the word and then say it again
in French these policies ensure that
citizens can be served by the federal
government in both languages and
politicians seeking to lead the country
typically learn both French and English
leadership is about bringing people of
all different perspectives together
Scheffer will see Hong homage at Tomas
nicaya while most of the francophone
population lives in Quebec
there are many french-speaking
communities across Canada including a
large one in New Brunswick Quebec of ifs
a five that leaves the rest of Canada
under my jurisdiction
with the possible exception of some
areas of New Brunswick number four
Canada is pretty progressive compared to
our neighbors it often seems like Canada
is lauded for being a progressive
paradise when I think about Canada I
actually think of progressive while it
has its own share of social problems and
debates it is true that most of the
fights on social issues that take such
precedence in the American media have
been solved in Canada this is due in
large part to stark differences between
Canadian and American culture access to
abortion is almost a non-issue gay
marriage has been legal since 2005 and
even the Conservative Party doesn’t
oppose it you know the strongest
evidence for genuinely demonstrating a
domestic partnership is to take a quick
drive on up to Canada and legitimize
your relationship legitimize get married
there are still many problems in Canada
and it’s by no means a progressive
utopia but the country should be proud
of all the progress it’s already made we
should move to Canada number three not
all police officers are Mounties those
officers dressed in red suits and great
big hats are members of the RCMP or the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police you’re
cops are called Mounties while Canada
does indeed use Mounties on the federal
level cities and municipalities use
regular police officers as they do in
most countries Mounties enforce federal
laws and will work closely with the
provinces and municipalities in order to
accomplish their goals and their tasks
include dealing with organized crime
drug trafficking and
border control among many other federal
offenses so yes Canada does have
Mounties but no they don’t go around
solving crimes on horseback and the
country does rely heavily on municipal
police forces as well also Mounties
number two healthcare isn’t free
it’s paid for by taxes dad no it’s just
don’t walk manner yeah free health care
often when talking about the great
things in Canada free health care is
brought up but that term is a bit of a
mischaracterization health care in
Canada isn’t somehow free that it make
no sense
it’s just paid for by taxpayer dollars
because access to universal health care
services is considered a right in Canada
Canada what is everyone gonna have
access to universal health care so no –
to choose between going bankrupt and
treating a life-threatening illness
while some arguments persist about the
best way to design and maintain a
program of universal health care and
there are still complaints the Canada
system lags behind those in European
countries the large majority of
Canadians agreed that it’s been
incredibly beneficial and that health
care is a great use of tax money before
we unveil our number one pick here are
some honorable mentions real maple syrup
I hate that fake old kind what’s a bit
of it being Canadian your milk comes in
bags so yeah apparently ketchup is so
hot in Canada that they just threw the
artificial flavoring all over the chips
here number one not everyone has that
stereotypical accent there’s not gonna
be any fight without Scott riles and the
incredibly polite Canadian news team
sorry about that eh well the accent does
exist its more common in rural areas and
even then people in the Maritimes a
Newfoundland have their own distinct
accent sometimes have a funny way of
saying things like Abood and the way
they say about which sounds like what’s
aboot the majority of Canadians you meet
who will likely be from the big cities
don’t talk with that accent
in fact they sound very similar to
Americans from big cities we will
concede that Canadians do say the word a
a lot but it’s often misused by those
mocking Canada I moved here from Canada
and they think I’m slow a a is another
way of saying right or you know at the
end of a sentence not a random word we
just interject in the middle of
conversations bet you learned something
new today eh come on what do we look
like rookies sorry
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