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Top 10 Revolutionary Commercial Planes

the sky’s the limit with these
groundbreaking planes welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top ten
revolutionary commercial planes for this
list we’re looking at planes that were
developed for commercial use and are
ranking them based on technological
innovation and impact on the industry if
you’re looking for planes that make
things go boom
be sure to check out our list of the top
10 military planes also while the Wright
brothers did change the world their
plane was a proof of concept that was
never sold commercially so it will be
excluded from this list number 10 the
Douglas dc-3 kicking off our list is the
plane that transformed modern air travel
although utilized by the military during
World War two the Douglas dc-3 landed at
number 10 on our list for its then
unheard-of range and speed of over 200
miles an hour which changed the way
people travel before the dc-3s creation
the most popular form of long distance
travel was by train thanks to its
impressive specs the dc-3 is credited
with kick-starting the modern air travel
industry number nine the de Havilland
d-h 106 comet after the Second World War
it became quite clear to aerospace
engineers that jet engines were the way
of the future the next logical step was
to apply that technology to jet liners
thus the comet was born renowned for
being the world’s first production
commercial jetliner it was hailed for
being incredibly comfortable and
relatively quiet for passengers however
the Comets legacy was tarnished by flaws
in the design which resulted in several
planes mid-flight destruction several
redesigns later the comet is well
remembered for its sleek look and
game-changing status number eight the
Airbus a320 and a321 a true Titan of the
industry that company offered no
shortage of potential entries for this
list for our number eight spot we’re
going with both the a320 and
dream Li similar and the two planes
really only vary in size utilized by a
myriad of popular Airlines these planes
have a huge place in the industry and
have flown countless travelers to the
far stretches of the world if you’ve
ever flown overseas you’ve probably been
inside one of them number seven the
Boeing 787 Dreamliner the newest and
hands-down most modern plane on this
list the Dreamliner is a long-distance
mid-engine jet that boasts some pretty
cutting-edge technology utilizing
composite materials to cut down the
planes weight and advanced engine design
the 787 is one of the most
fuel-efficient long-distance planes
flying today it also features a hyper
modern cockpit utilizing heads-up
displays to give the pilots info in real
time without having to take their eyes
off the sky number six the Boeing 707
although the Comets soared by first it
couldn’t compete with the popularity of
Boeing’s Golden Boy this was Boeing’s
initial jetliner putting the company on
the map in a big way the 707 became the
first commercially successful jetliner
and is widely known for kicking off the
era of modern jet liners effectively
taking up the slack where the comment
fell short
after a long life they’ve basically been
phased out of commercial use if you want
to ride in one make friends with John
Travolta who’s got his own 707 number
five the Boeing triple7 by far the
triple 7 is the most popular long range
wide bodied commercial aircraft
currently dominating the skies designed
to fill the passenger capacity gap
between Boeing smaller 767 and larger
747 models this plane is one of Boeing’s
best-selling models and is the first
aircraft to ever be extensively designed
on a computer also if you’re flying
first class you can expect some pretty
luxurious pampering let’s just say that
you’ll come for the service but you’ll
stay for the legroom number four the
Airbus a380
whoever says size doesn’t matter it
doesn’t get any bigger than the Airbus
a380 the largest passenger plane in
existence designed to go toe-to-toe with
air Titans the a380 boasts a
double-decker design allowing for
seating for 525 people going as far as
8,500 nautical miles and when set up
with only economy class this jet can
transport more than 850 people with the
stats speaking for themselves this jet
powered behemoth
takes spot number four with ease number
three the Boeing 737 coming up next is
the undisputed workhorse of the air
travel industry it’s not the biggest
fanciest or fastest of planes but it
gets the job done undoubtedly the
best-selling jetliner ever the 737 is
used by more than 500 airlines flying to
almost 200 countries with over 4,500
still in service as you are watching
this video there are twelve hundred and
fifty in flight that means that every
five seconds a 737 either takes off or
lands somewhere in the world after
almost 50 years its service will
continue with new and improved models
well into the future
number two aérospatiale BAC Concorde
legend has it that an engineer at NASA
once stated that building the Concorde
would be harder than putting a man on
the moon that goes to show how difficult
it was to build an airliner that could
approach twice the speed of sound
only one other jet was capable of this
but due to the tupolev tu-144
short-lived and dangerous life span the
concorde dwarfed any hope of competition
as it successfully flew in service from
1976 to 2003 to this day concorde stands
as an incredible engineering feat in the
aviation world before we take off with
our top pick here are some honorable
number one the Boeing 747 although no
longer the largest passenger aircraft
the 747 maintains an iconic status
through its distinctive features and
impressive history breaking new ground
on its first flight in 1969 and entering
airline service in 1970 the 747 was the
original plane to earn the nickname
jumbo jet and is still regarded as the
queen of the skies recognizable by the
distinctive hump near the front where it
can house a first-class lounge or
additional seating the 747 has been seen
in countless films and is a true symbol
of modern flight do you agree with our
what passenger carrying milestones did
we miss for more top 10s about the
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