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What’s Jamie Doing Today? #28 | Magazine Photoshoot!

hello lovely people hope you are well it
has been a very colorful week in the
wonderful world of Jaime we are at home
in Essex today sometimes just to see a
bit more of the kids I try and bundle
work down here so there’s lots of fun
things today we’re doing a shoot for the
magazine quite a lot of you probably
wouldn’t know we’ve had a magazine for
like five six years I think we’re on a
60 something edition we’re gonna have a
little look at the behind the scenes of
the shoot which is slightly worrying
because it involves my kids who are
amazing but they always say never mix
filming with kids or animals don’t want
the best picture of the tree
can you help us once we come in there
so apart from that it’s all very good
this is Elvis
say hello to Elvis nice that was my
Christmas present to my wife last year
she likes Elvis and yes I will see you
very very soon so I’ll probably cue off
now into a lovely montage of Jamie
magazine features and title and cook
pictures and then probably at the end of
it there’ll be a deal 24 pound 99 for
tennis shoes for out of the year bargain
happy Christmas
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