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5 Symbols That Will Change Your Life

peace and finit waters diving deep once
again can I get a Hello the five symbols
that could change your life you got two
snakes going around a pole look
suspicious the caduceus right you see
this a lot in medical professions
symbolizing the masculine and feminine
principles oh yeah
what about the swastika right yes Hitler
used it but actually it goes back to the
Sanskrit word all as well it’s actually
a very positive symbol of love happiness
well-being goodness gracious how things
change right so good luck
light and love what the hell happened
right why do people change things the
Star of David the six pointed star which
actually goes back to ancient Egypt here
you’ve got the Seal of Solomon the dark
and light that lives within all of us
it’s not a negative simple goodness
gracious why do they keep doing this huh
huh someone answer me goodness okay the
cross now this is a symbol of death we
know that but also before the cross that
was the unk the ancient Egyptian ankh
which was a symbol of life representing
the feminine and masculine union life
itself in all existence here you’ve got
the eye of horus right you’ve had music
videos with famous celebrities oh my
gosh don’t panic it’s just an eye
illumination the third eye higher
consciousness mental clarity I wouldn’t
mind getting a tattoo of this would you
guys reckon what do you reckon
yeah I’m gonna go for it Starbucks I
need some coffee that’s what everybody’s
saying every single day it actually goes
back to the Yerba goddess yeah my
yah goddess of water and life so it’s
amazing trace back the steps and it will
eventually lead you to the secret way
out here infinite waters diving deep
once again stay well stay healthy peace

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