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Top 10 Politically Incorrect Games

these titles are not for the easily
offended welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top ten politically incorrect games
I’ll start with telling you this this
place is all about your balls before we
begin we publish new content every day
so be sure to subscribe to our channel
and ring the bell to get notified about
our latest videos so this list will be
ranking the most culturally insensitive
or straight-up offensive video games of
all time we realized that not everyone
sensibilities are offended by the same
things and some of these games are
definitely a product of their time but
these are definitely remembered for
being just a wee bit stronger than your
average pac-man number 10 Conker’s Bad
Fur Day he may look cute and fuzzy but
there was nothing family-friendly about
this lewd little squirrel Conker’s Bad
Fur Day could have easily been mistaken
for a Sonic the Hedgehog knockoffs or
any other number of harmless platformer
games but instead this game for the n64
was developed by the rare company as a
sort of antithesis to the idea a violent
yet eminently playable game with a
unique sense of nubra humor conker drank
conquer cursed and he did just about
everything to stand out from his
adorable animal peers and it’s partly
thanks to this um PC stance that he
still remembered today number 9 call of
duty modern warfare 2 this man Makarov
is fighting his own war he has no
No Boundaries he doesn’t flinch it
torture there was a bevy of
controversial accusations laid at the
feet of call of duty modern warfare 2
when it was released by Infinity Ward
and Activision back in 2009 the most
troubling obviously was the game’s
fourth level no Russian here the player
is tasked with taking part in a
terrorist shooting at a Russian Airport
while playing the part of the Deep Cover
CIA agent fans and critics alike took
issue with this mission and to this day
it’s used as an example of video games
gone too far but others also had
problems with its online presence
including a legend to homophobia and
number eight duke nukem series if you’ve
already given away your virginity I’ll
settle for the box it came in I finished
my homework mr. Newcombe would you like
to check my figures big duke nukem
series has been kicking ass and taking
names mostly ladies names since the
early 90s
but its success has not been without
controversy thanks to its inherently on
PC nature of particular note was Duke
Nukem 3d which was released for numerous
platforms back in 1996 although the game
was rated mature there was nevertheless
a major push back from fans and some
members of the press as a result of the
game’s unrepented violence and
depictions of sexuality the Women’s
Media Center specifically called out the
game as sexist and harmful to young
women leading to some countries
censoring its content while some like
Brazil even banned it Swami’s I have a
douche and wax for my English sable No
number 7 bully like I said before Jimmy
please be nice to your new stepfather
bully marks the first appearance of
rockstar games on this list but trust us
it will not be the last
the developers released fully to the
public in the fall of 2006 and almost
immediately faced negative feedback
thanks to the often politically
incorrect nature of its gameplay critics
claimed that bully well glorified booing
or at least trivialized it to the point
of making it fun some folks also
complained about the game’s level of
violence and anti-social behavior
actually stop believe from winning
numerous end of the Year awards over six
leisure suit larry series its her mouth
or as it’s cold in the love doll
industry or of this number one we’re
heading back to the 80s for the next
series of games on our list a dirty yet
fondly remembered franchise from the era
of point-and-click adventures the
Leisure Suit Larry games were raunchy
light-hearted games which teased lots of
nudity and sexual situations but usually
provided embarrassment and bad jokes for
its main protagonist Larry laugher still
this did not stop some sections of the
videogame buying public from objecting
to laugh her sleazy lounge lizard
shenanigans which usually consisted of
on killing women and making as many
sexist comments as possible not everyone
finds the same racy jokes funny and
leisure suit larry series was definitely
geared towards a very specific kind of
fan tell me are you as good at the
saddle as you are at sweet-talking oh
yeah better even here watch I’ll show
Rockstar Games appears once again on
this list with our next title two
thousand and two’s state of emergency
the game places the player in opposition
to a paramilitary police state run by
the corporation quote a set up which
eventually leads to a crazy amount of
death destruction and rampant violence
almost state of emergency had plenty of
fans he was released not long after both
the September 11th terrorist attacks as
well as the 1999 World Trade
Organization riots as a result much was
made of the games alleged insensitivity
to those events stigma which perhaps
makes state of emergency what a Bronx
state of emergency for PlayStation 2
rated M for Mature number for a trip wow
this is a stupid game for stupid people
but here we go
some of the games on this list were
unintentional in their depiction of
politically incorrect behavior but
hatred lives on the opposite end of the
spectrum it celebrates its on PC nature
actually it’s basically all it’s not
going for the game was developed and
published by destructive creations in
2015 and made no attempt to hide its
existence as one of the most violent and
mean-spirited games of all time needless
to say any game for which mass genocide
and murder is the primary motive is
gonna be ruffling a few feathers and
hatred was justifiably criticized for
its single-minded intent to offend it
probably would have helped if the game
was actually fun but it is
number three manhunt series hey what do
you know
Rockstar Games here we are welcome back
guys it’s been like two entries anyway
there have been two games in the manhunt
series thus far and both use the setup
of an escaped mental patient and/or
prisoner stalking and graphically
killing his tormentors one by one in
agonizing detail Rockstar was almost
immediately criticized and taken to task
about the game’s content from concerned
politicians and rating boards to
parental groups alike the games were
banned and censored in countries around
the world with manhunt – being slapped
number two postal – hey speaking of
banned video games the next title on our
list was outlawed in both New Zealand
and Australia shortly after its release
both countries claiming that it
contained abhorrent content that game
was postal – and it took no prisoners
with a sense of grim and violent humour
although one of the games tag lines was
it’s only as violent as you are the
protagonist of postal 2 is consistently
and tagging eyes and encouraged to
complete the game’s tasks with as much
destruction and debauchery as possible
the games critics also cried foul of its
alleged enabling of animal cruelty
specifically referencing a section where
the player can use a cat yes a cat as a
silencer for his gun
creative number one Grand Theft Auto
series that’s how you get to be called
the Howard butcher you sent me to kill
one man said quite simply Grand Theft
Auto was the gold standard for when it
comes to political incorrectness in
video gaming Rockstar takes top honors
on our list for this franchise which has
been going strong since 1997 and shows
no signs of slowing down anytime soon
what is perhaps the most telling aspect
of the GTA series is how each game has
managed up the ante in terms of its
often violent depraved psycho sexual
antics whether it’s grand theft auto san
andreas and the infamous hot coffee sex
mod by cities glamorization of Scarface
or GTA 5 s penchant for prostitution
there are seemingly no taboos that this
game series isn’t willing to touch just
a little bit at least
oh come do you agree with our pics check
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