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Les Brown: The Keys to Motivating Yourself | Les Brown Motivation

simply some keys to self motivation and
all of us have motivation of some sort i
define motivation as the desire to
achieve that which you’d believed to be
worthwhile and many people go through
life never getting in touch with their
greatness because of the lack of
motivation to push themselves or because
they have not found something that they
believe to be worthwhile to challenge
them I heard a poem once that said many
a flower has bloomed unceasingly and
waste its sweetness upon the cold desert
air this translated that means simply
that many a talented persons have gone
unnoticed and the world never had a
chance to be exposed to their talent
because that person did not take the
time to begin to express or to
demonstrate or to motivate themselves in
the direction to bring that which they
came into the universe to bring how can
you measure your motivation how can you
evaluate where you are on a scale of one
to ten let’s do this for ourselves
mentally how do you rate yourself from
one to ten your mental attitude about
yourself how you feel about you how you
feel about life how do you rate yourself
on a scale of one to ten in terms of
your physical appearance in terms of
your health do you take care of yourself
are you allowing yourself to get
overweight and out of shape are you
conscious of your health are you
watching the food that you take into
your body do you make a deliberate
effort to exercise you know it was
George Burns he said we cannot help
getting older but we don’t have to get
old and many of us get all before our
time because we don’t take time to take
care of ourselves your environment is a
very good indicator on a scale of one to
ten is it what you want it to be do you
find it desirable are you satisfied the
job a career that you’re involved in
one said that 85% of the American public
unhappy with their jobs are you spending
eight hours a day just doing time doing
something that you don’t find
challenging that does not make you
stretch mentally but does not stimulate
you that does not inspire you something
that you don’t find a sense of
fulfillment in it if you’re doing that
day in and day out it has to affect how
you feel about yourself your level of
motivation your relationships what kind
of impact is that having on your life is
that nourishing or is it a toxic
relationship does it drain you or does
it build you up ask yourself that how
motivated are you to do something about
it your contribution your actions what
are you giving many people will leave
the universe without a trace no one will
know they were here and in fact under
their name we could put under their not
used up will anybody know that you came
this way what contribution are you
giving what will you leave what will be
different because you came this way
someone once said that life is our gift
to us that God has given us and how we
live our lives is our gift to God what
kind of gift
are you formulating is this a gift that
you like to take back and do something
else before you turn it in think about
that what can we do what are some of the
keys that we can begin to use to
motivate ourselves when our batteries
were unload because I don’t care who you
are I don’t care what you do at some
time you are going to get tired at some
time you’re going to get in a rut seem
like nothing you do works out right and
sometimes it just seems like you just
don’t have the wherewithal or the will
to do anything that sometimes you act
like you’re punch-drunk you’re just
wading through like just doing time day
in and day out looking at
nondiscriminatory television anything
that’s all just looking
and depress feeling powerless feeling
useless and boy what do you do how do
you get yourself out of a rut how do you
when you know you can do more than what
you’ve been doing and you’re not doing
it and you’re discontent with where you
are you get angry at yourself how do you
get out of that rut how do you motivate
yourself one of the things that we must
do is that we must be involved in
working on achieving self mastery you
must work on yourself continuously never
be satisfied with yourself always know
that as you invest the effort in time on
you that’s the greatest ability that
human beings have above animals see a
dog can’t be anything but a dog tree
can’t be anything but a tree human being
you’ve got unlimited potential you can
put effort on you and by concentrating
on you and developing you you can
transform your life wherever you are
right now so you want to work on
yourself you want to read books that
inspire you and motivate you you want to
listen to tapes over and over and over
again and I suggest that you listen to
tapes when you first get up in the
morning you want to control the spirit
of your day when you first wake up in
the morning your mind is operating at
10.5 wave cycles per second that’s when
the subconscious mind is most
impressionable whatever you hear in the
first 20 minutes when you wake up that
will affect the spirit of your day when
you listen to tapes listen with relaxed
belief believing that this can happen
for you and by listening to them listen
to them over and over and over again
and you will get a breakthrough you can
listen to the same tape for months and
all of a sudden you hear something you
never heard before it have a special
meaning for you or read the same book
over again and you find some special
insight you said I can’t believe I
didn’t see that the first time so you
want to be involved in developing
yourself most people won’t do that most
people won’t take that kind of effort
and invest that kind of energy in
themselves because they will fall prey
to that conversation within
do that you don’t have time you’re too
busy you’re too caught up in the rat
race most people won’t do that well they
won’t take time to go to lectures they
won’t take time to go to seminars they
won’t take time to go to classes to
improve themselves and as you continue
to work on yourself you will begin to
expand your vision of yourself you begin
to work towards self mastery and you
will begin to see it reflect itself in
all the dimensions of your life your
mental life your physical life your
social life in your relationships your
monetary life so concentrate on
developing yourself because if you don’t
I guarantee you that you will make a
settlement and most people have and most
of us already have what kind of
settlement have you made with your life
you know when we make settlements
out-of-court settlements you’ve heard
them that means that you decided to take
something less than what you originally
wanted to get had you gone into court
and the reason that you’ve settled
outside of court is because you didn’t
believe that you can get it so you made
an out-of-court settlement many of us
are making in life settlement we’re
settling for less than what we actually
deserve we don’t feel good about it but
we make it work at our minds we’ll come
up with some kind of excuse to make it
all right what kind of settlement have
you made with your life many of us
settle for less than what we want out of
a relationships because we don’t have
the courage to change them I had a
seminar used to do call are you living
together or dying together
many people are just dying together
Gladys Knight used to have a song that
says neither one of us want to be the
first to say goodbye the next thing is
in order to begin to find some keys to
self motivation to drive yourself in
addition to working on yourself and as
you work on yourself you feel good about
yourself and as you feel better about
yourself you treat yourself differently
develop a health plan so you can’t feel
well and do well if you don’t have good
health you can’t perform if you don’t
have your health your health is valuable
develop a health plan a plan that you
will follow because this is the only
vehicle that you have to carry you
through this experience called life and
you want to take good care of it because
you love you enough you care enough
about you and that’s not easy it is not
easy having a health plan and sticking
to it but you’re worth it doing it again
and again and again I have lost 22
cept if it’s I always do it I love
potato chips people who know me know I
love M&M peanuts I love peanut butter
and jelly sandwiches I love my mother’s
sweet potato pie I love this it’s not
always on my health plan but I put it on
there sometimes I said life is too short
to go without sweet potato pie if I go
tonight I want you to slip us with rice
and sweet potato pie of my casket yeah
next thing is as you take care of
yourself the next key is keys to
motivation to self motivation you want
to live life with energy and passion you
want to make a conscious effort to be
lively see in life you either saying
hello or goodbye you either on the way
or in the way leave that people alone
some folks just walking around looking
saying how are you doing honey stay away
from these people just go away from them
it affects you
you want to smile you want to be happy
you got a lot to be thankful for but you
watch some of the faces around you every
day and I tell you some of these faces
they will put you in a depressed state
of mind so you want to avoid these kind
of faces when you see them coming turn
your head next thing is that you want to
monitor your inner conversations the
things that you say to yourself you want
to watch them and in watching them you
want to take charge friend of mine told
me this evening as she did it
excellently she said I didn’t want to
come tonight I was feeling so depressed
and I said I’m going anyhow see that was
the conversation so you really don’t
feel like it
you really don’t need to do it you don’t
really need to read anything forget all
that that’s that in a conversation oh
you don’t need to worry about trying to
go into your own business forget that
you can’t do that
what if you lose everything you’ve got
that in a conversation that stopped you
from doing the things you want to do
less don’t do that how can you possibly
think about being a motivational speaker
you don’t have the contact you don’t
have the money you don’t know the right
people you’re gonna get up there in your
minds gonna go blink forget all that
you remember that time you got up before
some people and you panic you stood up
in your mind set down don’t you remember
I said yes and then I said shut up so
you’ve got to learn to stand up to
yourself inside yourself and
short-circuit override that conversation
that’s always going on 85% of what that
conversation will tell you is negative
its negative it will tell you you’re
tired when you’re really are not tired
it will tell you you can’t do it it will
fill you with fear so you’ve got to
watch that conversation and when you
find it going on you’ve got to stand up
to it and say I’m gonna do this anyhow
I’m afraid but I’m afraid not to do it
and I’m not going to let you stop me the
biggest challenge that you will have in
life is you
there’s an old African proverb that says
is there’s no enemy within the enemy
outside can do us no harm the next thing
that is a key to self motivation is that
you’ve got to ask yourself what do I
want out of life what do you want out of
life what do you want out of a job
what do you want out of career what do
you want out of a relationship what do
you want what gives you your life what
how will you know when you got it what
will make you happy you need to know you
need to start asking yourself some
questions what do I really really truly
want you need to be exact about that
don’t be vague oh I just want to be
happy that’s too vague what will make
you happy how will you know when you got
zeroing in on it be exact be specific
and as you do that that will stimulate
that super conscious mind or the
reticular activating system of your mind
that will begin to find those things to
identify with it
and once you begin to determine that
which you want take the time to write it
down don’t just think about it write it
down that is a subjective process that
engages the subconscious mind write it
once you write it down read it three
times a day morning noon and night why
is that important because what it will
do it will cause you to focus it will
cause you to concentrate when that other
conversation is going on telling you
what you cannot do telling you all of
the impossibilities and all of the
obstacles you’re concentrating will
begin to create a larger vision within
yourself and you start looking for and
seeing some new opportunities you start
creating some openings for yourself as
you begin to read that every day every
day day in and day out that will make
you focus that will discipline your
thinking and you’ll get all kind of
creative ideas as I talk to you right
now being involved in this emergent
process you’re going to create some
openings for yourself you’re gonna get
some ideas you’re gonna feel your
adrenalin flowing and you’re gonna think
about something some idea you had you
said I want to go back and I’m gonna
look at that again from a different
vantage point not from the level of the
problem of the obstacles that I
encountered but from a higher vantage
point because what you will begin to see
them to know as I have talked to the
higher consciousness within you that you
are powerful that you are a miracle
worker and that inner conversation has
conditioned you to believe that you’re
not and as you begin to discover the
truth of who you are whatever challenge
that you’re facing in life and if you’re
living you’re facing some challenge
you’ll begin to know that you’re
powerful and that you’re America maker
so as you begin to write down exactly
what it is that you want read it every
day the next thing is see yourself there
how will you feel once you get there
what will the experience be like for you
what will be different what kind of
person do you have to become in order to
get there visualize yourself there
living the experience I remember when I
ran for state representative in Columbus
Ohio and I had a lot of people telling
me and you got to watch not only the
conversation within but the conversation
telling me less you can’t possibly win
you can’t do that
and I went down to the legislature and I
saw myself I knew what I wanted I saw
myself in the chair I pointed out the
chair that I wanted I used to go and set
up in the galleries and watch the
legislative process I used to go to the
committee meetings and listen to
legislation being introduced I learned
how to write legislation how to amend
legislation I stopped thinking like a
legislator got up every day dressing
thinking like that selling myself on it
seeing myself in the legislature mr.
speaker I’m the gentleman from the 29th
House District I’d like to introduce the
bill I went in the legislature walk
around I had the experience of it and
when I ran and won against overwhelming
odds they were shocked I won the
election even before it was held because
I was living it in my mind you want to
see yourself beyond your circumstances
you got a challenge see yourself beyond
your challenge see yourself with the
challenge already resolved and knowing
that all as well seeing yourself in
control and in charge of your destiny
being healthy and happy the next thing
is it is important in the area of
motivating yourself it’s important to
know why you’re doing it because that
mind will say why bother why go through
all this this is too hard no throw in
the towel it’s not worth it
it hasn’t ever said that to you before
here’s how you can handle that here’s
how you override that write down five
reasons why you deserve it why do you
deserve what you are why you why do you
deserve it what meaning and value will
it bring to your life what’s so
different about you that you deserve
your goal of this goal and when you
write down those five reasons when you
have some down moments and you’re going
to have them when that conversation
start talking to you and it’s going to
talk to you what you will do is you can
pull that out in
and it will build you up it will be your
rod and your staff to comfort you
through some challenging moments because
you’re gonna have some life will knock
you between the eyes it will catch you
on the blindside come out of nowhere
stuff you can’t anticipate that will
knock the wind out of you you want to
give up that’s why it’s important for
you to work on yourself listening to
tapes building yourself up talking to
yourself with power feeling and
conviction building yourself up day in
guarantee you
life is just waiting oh he’s doing good
now huh very good I’ve never had an
experience I was pursuing my dream and
that’s why you have to work on yourself
you don’t know what’s gonna happen and I
was telling people I had this big rally
I had to do was 5,000 people there and I
said you must work on yourself if you
want a larger vision you’ve got to
empower yourself continuously because
life will catch you on the blindside and
after I finished my speech I got a
rousing standing ovation and I wouldn’t
call the young lady that I was dating at
the time I said hey guess what I said
they lovely I got a standing ovation and
they were chanting we want the motivator
we want the motivator
I said listen we want to vote of 81 do
you hear she said yes
unless I need to talk to you I put wait
a minute you’re talking about cows I
always get dog and I’ll be also less I
heard a voice in background hurry up and
last time you’ve been gone a lot in
there’s somebody else what they came in
last come on mr. motivator they want you
back out there
wait a minute all of the Hornet why’d
you say I’m sorry there’s someone else
to her deep voice they hang the phone up
come on I say why do they say hey hey
motivator come on they want you can’t
you have chair I said when you working
on a larger vision I say you you got a
really work on yourself delight will get
you the black side
I say you better be ready you better
make sure you want to cuz it’ll make you
cry and somebody said the spirit is on
him thank you thank you thank you thank
I was talking to tell it’s not blinking
the light they had to cut me off but I
say you got to have a larger vision you
make sure they fit you make sure you
work on yourself I said come on mr.
Brown come oh yeah I went back to my
hotel room and loneliness and heartbreak
was sitting on the bed said are you
coming in now do you have your larger
vision now how’s your positive attitude
say get on in here are you still
yep shut up you want your go not Oh
we’ll just go Donald light will wear you
out you’ll be saying no I can’t know how
long you try to read it can’t see that
through the tears I went running through
the drawers in this hotel trying to find
a Gideon Bible anything you know I said
somebody anybody help me Yahweh Yahoo
anybody boy that’s why you got to work
on yourself good life will send you some
you cannot anticipate the next thing is
that whatever you do you want to develop
technical mastery you want to be the
best at what you do you want to master
it see part of self motivation is you’ve
got to find something that gives you a
strong sense of competence
well you become known for that you
develop a reputation of being good at
doing that you set some high personal
standards for yourself you’re not
competing with anybody else you’re just
unfolding yourself to be the best person
that you could be that you want to give
the best quality service that you can
give because that is a statement about
who you are the other thing that’s the
key to self motivation is recognize the
fact that you’re going to get into some
slumps recognize the fact that
you’re gonna encounter a great deal of
failure in life it goes with the
territory but in the face of that you
want to be relentless when you want
something you can don’t expect everybody
to say oh come on it we’ve been oh you
want this oh great we want to give this
to you you’re such a nice person you’re
doing it for your family aren’t you gray
now don’t like this and like that no
many doors will be closed to your face
many loans that you’ll want they say no
you don’t have enough collateral you
don’t have enough credit and most people
will give up but you’ve got to decide
that I’m going to be fearless
I refuse to be tonight and I’m gonna go
all out I’m going to be rid of LITTLEST
I don’t care how many nose I encounter I
like something Isaiah Thomas said when
it’s getting ready for a basketball game
he said I’m going to either shoot us in
or shoot us out but I’m not going to not
you can’t make a basket unless you shoot
the ball you can’t hit a homerun unless
you take a swing at it most people won’t
even take a swing well I probably won’t
make it anyhow that’s the conversation
within they probably won’t give it to me
if you want something you’ve got to be
relentless you’ve got to decide I
deserve this and I’m going to have it
and you go all out to get it that drives
you the next thing is that when you want
something out of life you’ve got to be
willing to go into action don’t wait
around for things to be just right don’t
wait for things to be perfect don’t wait
for the ideal situation it will never be
ideal there will always be a reason well
as soon as the children grow up as soon
as I pay my bills well as soon as I get
my divorce okay as soon as I get enough
money together do what you can where you
are with what you have and never be
satisfied a lot of people never take a
chance in life they don’t want to take
any chances they want the situation to
be ideal see that’s not walking by faith
that’s walking by sight if I can see it
I’ll do it
no no no glass a lot of people say if I
can see it I believe it no no if you
and don’t be disturbed because no one
else can see it that’s not unusual that
is ordinary but because you want some
different kind of results in your life
you’ve got to be willing to be
unreasonable if you want unreasonable
results in your life you’ve got to be
willing to be unreasonable part of being
unreasonable you don’t judge according
to appearances part of being
unreasonable you can see it because you
believe it that’s part of being
unreasonable part of being unreasonable
you like Paulo said you must have the
faith to call forth those things that be
not as though they were that’s part of
being unreasonable most people won’t do
most people say call me when you get it
together then I’ll support you the other
thing is that what are the keys to stuff
motivation that empowers you is that you
want to find a cause larger than
yourself find something that you can
contribute to find something that you
can make a difference because you can
part of what feeds your larger vision
part of what gives you a reason for
being part of what gives you your life
is being able to give something back so
I can’t afford to give anything you
can’t afford not to give give your time
give your television uh thing just to go
and lick envelopes I don’t know exactly
what I’m going to do but I’m going over
there it’s part of my tithing in the
universe once you develop that that
special sense of mission and that’s what
you develop when you’re part of a larger
cause than yourself
it drives you you don’t need an alarm
clock to get up in the morning you have
special power you go places and folk
will like to be around you they will
know there’s something different about
when you go in they say hey that’s
somebody important I want to know who
you are I just want to be near you that
energy that you have that consciousness
that you will embody
will affect everybody around you the
next thing is is that you want to create
a home court advantage for yourself
you’ve got to be aware of who you have
around you so you want to be selective
have friends that will enable you to
grow I have friends that help me to grow
spiritually these are my spiritual
friends I talk spiritual stuff with them
I have some other friends who are just
intellectual friends they make me grow
intellectually they make me stretch I
have some professional friends I’m a
member of the National Speakers
Association I get together with other
speakers and we learn from each other
and we grow from each other I have other
friends suggest social friends all we do
just socialize together we look at a
basketball game together or go out
dancing but that’s all we can do we
don’t talk anything serious nothing
spiritual nothing intellectual that’s
not that kind of relationship nothing
heavy up in here have other friends we
walk together that’s all we can do walk
together talk about if we’re gonna lose
weight one day bye and bye for good all
that’s all we do nothing else so
according to the relationships that you
develop we grow from people and projects
and the relationships that you develop
can enhance and can enrich your life or
they can drain you I know many talented
people who had a great deal of potential
but because they didn’t surround
themselves with other people that will
inspire them to transcend themselves
they never realize their greatness and
they will end up going to their grave
with all the good stuff still in them so
you want to look at your relationships
the people that you’re involved with the
people that you communicate with almost
often and you want to ask yourself the
question what am i becoming because of
this relationship desert in spamming am
i motivated am i encouraged am i driven
to develop myself am i seeking my own
greatness what kind of person am i
becoming because of this relationship am
i becoming more cynical
and negative about life ask yourself
that the next thing is you’ve got to say
yes to my dreams yes to me
yes I can make it yes I can
doesn’t matter how many failures I’ve
made doesn’t matter how many mistakes
I’ve endured doesn’t matter about my
defeats doesn’t matter about what I’ve
yes yes I don’t care about the fact I’m
in a hole now doesn’t matter about where
I am yes
the last chapter to my life has not been
written yet if you judge me now you’ll
judge me prematurely
I haven’t exposed all my stuff yet I’m
still in the process of transforming my
life I’m still in the process of
becoming yes I have somebody in my life
at one time told me you’re never making
and I said I’ll show you and I’m what
energized me what motivated me was
something that Frank Sinatra said he
said the best revenge is massive success
I’ll show you you just watched my smoke
so say yes stand up for your dreams
stand up for what you want in your life
decide that your life is so meaningful
to you that you love you and you love
life so much that you’re going to stand
up for something you want I used to have
a saying when I was on the radio stand
up for what you believe in because you
can fall for anything so what I say to
you this evening that you are powerful
you have miracle-working power in your
life right now but you’ve got to work on
yourself you’ve got to develop yourself
you’ve got to talk to yourself day in
and day out selling yourself on you and
on your potentials and you’ve got to
know that that you are worth all of your
effort and that the key to your
motivation as you get a larger vision of
yourself is to know that you have
something to give is to know that you
have a reason for being in the universe
at this point in time I want you to
stand up for your life right now anybody
want to stand up for your life’s dream
[Applause] [Music]
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