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Top 10 Noob Weapons in Video Games

of course you’re using that one welcome
to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
new weapons and video games before we
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our latest videos for this list we’ll be
looking at weapons in both single and
multiplayer games that don’t take very
much skill to use but guarantee a high
kill account frustrating a lot of others
number 10
cerebral bore – rock – seeds of evil
what might be the most cringe inducing
weapon on this list
the cerebral bore is just as deadly as
it is painful to watch this gruesome
rifle launches a projectile that latches
on to the head of its prey and then
proceeds to drill into their skulls and
finishes them off with a small explosion
like that was necessary the best part
about this handheld nightmare is that
you don’t even need to aim as it’s able
to automatically lock on to whatever
unlucky succor happens to walk around
the corner it’s cheap it’s easy and who
high-speed games like titanfall are
about two things mobility and precision
you have to balance your momentum and
your aim in order to rack up a high kill
count or you could just fly around with
a pistol that auto locks onto people
while a smart pistol definitely isn’t
the most powerful weapon in the game and
you’re more likely to lose a firefight
against an experienced player with a
rifle the inclusion of it still takes
some of the fun out of a game that
demands a lot of skill number eight
is that gang a scruffy-looking Raiders
blocking your path well you can try your
luck at stealth or headshots or you
could just nuke them literally this
weapon takes explosions to a whole new
level and is basically capable of
killing most threats in one shot even if
you don’t land a direct hit even the
dreaded death claw is no match for this
sucker the only downside is that
ammunition is inexactly plentiful and
you’re more than likely to take yourself
out along with your enemies number 7 m6d
pistol halo combat Evolved pistols are
supposed to be close range weapons right
well apparently the first Halo did not
get the memo as the pistol was about as
devastating as a sniper rifle from any
other game boasting a powerful punch any
questionable zoom function this handgun
makes quick work of pretty much any
enemy in the single-player campaign and
can take down your shields in just a few
shots in multiplayer it’s not even a
pickup like the sniper rifle or the
rocket launcher you spawn with the thing
automatically but it is a must for any
number six longsword Monster Hunter
monster hunter is a series that demands
patience if you don’t exploit openings
end time your attacks then you’re gonna
get stomped literally there is a huge
variety of weapons to choose from to
assist you in your battle against these
massive beasts from the quick dual
blades to the giant great sword
alternatively if those are all too hard
for you you can just take the much
faster to learn longsword and down
monsters in about half the time there
are very few downsides to using the
longsword in solo it has high attack
power long reach and some great mobility
but its ease of use coupled with the
fact that you can accidentally knock
your fellow hunters around with its wide
swinging arcs makes it very frowned upon
number five the hammer Super Smash
this match series is known to have some
pretty powerful items like the proximity
mine the bomb blazer sword
however the hammer is far and away the
most devastating and it’s definitely the
easiest to use when you want to rack up
a ton of kills when you pick up this
beast you automatically swing it for a
short period of time and anyone con in
your path suffers a huge amount of
damage which usually results in an
instant kill the only downside is that
your movement is kind of limited and in
newer games there’s a slim chance that
the head will fly off rendering it
useless number four Farsight XR 20
perfect dark surprise surprise a weapon
that can both see and shoot through
walls made it onto this list a
relatively notorious weapon for anyone
that grew up playing shooters during the
n64 era using this weapon is basically
cheating the alien rifle has a zoom
function that allows the user to view
player silhouettes through any wall in
the game and it’s beam is powerful
enough to punch right through those
walls to you’d imagine then that it
would take more than a few hits to kill
someone you know for balance reasons but
nope it’s as powerful and cheap as you
Dark Souls is known for having an
intense weapons meta when it comes to
multiplayer pvp that gives players who
follow it a huge advantage over less
knowledgeable opponents in Dark Souls 3
many players flock to straight swords
due to their high speed attack power and
relatively low skill ceiling the dark
sword is probably the best straight
sword in the game thanks to the stomp
webinar that boasts player poise defense
and helps chain into a fast follow-on
the thing is though this thing drops off
of random mobs so you don’t need a
fossil to make one meaning many players
complained about the overabundance of
number two deploy Abel turret multiple
games from the early days of perfect
dark to the modern-day competitive
shooters like overwatch the deployable
turret has always been a reliable tool
to obliterate your enemy
it’s ideal for defensive strategies and
in the hands of a skilled player a
well-placed turret can keep the enemy at
bay almost indefinitely however not all
players use it like that and they often
set up the machine around tight corners
and in out-of-the-way spots that offer
no real strategic benefits to the team
but allows them to rack up a ton of
kills with basically no effort number
one grenade launcher aka noobtube Call
of Duty series oh come on man let’s be
honest here a grenade launcher is deadly
in the hands of basically any player but
especially in the Call of Duty series
it’s high damage compared to the
relatively low health pool of a player
means that you can shoot this thing in
the general direction of any player
barely aiming and you can probably nab
the kill the infamous underslung version
of the grenade launcher acts as an
add-on for assault rifles meaning you
don’t have to use up a weapon slot and
you have quicker access to your instant
kill a man people call it a new tube for
a reason but the new who seriously
you’re not good at this game do you
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