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How to Trust Life and Let Go

Pisan Finnick waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in nature baby I hope your day is
going good
no you’re rushing somewhere where I have
no idea of you have no idea oh my gosh
don’t worry I too always used to rush
around in a hurry to get nowhere fast
you see deep divers was help me along my
journey it’s just a slowdown that’s
easier said than done Ralph you see when
you are rushing you are sending a signal
to the universe that you are in the
wrong place slow motion this side and
you’re not happy being where you are
thus that will actually create more
anxiety more panic you see all anxiety
emanates from the desire to expand the
present moment even when I am in a rush
because I’m always flying around I take
my time that I’m not in a rush then I’m
actually like whoa wait wait a minute I
actually like being here stuck in this
stuck in this traffic jam kind of I put
on some classical music but now I’m
sending a signal to the universe that
actually I create happiness anywhere I
am I create happiness anywhere I am so
always realize if you are rushing
somewhere it means you’re not happy
where you are and happiness comes by
finding the peace wherever you are
we’ll just say Phil so get to be a live
baby can I get a hello beautiful deep
divers we are out here in the heart of
nature just whoa breathing in that good
ass prana baby
have a beautiful day deep divers
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you oh I
see everybody slowing down right now oh
you rushing again gosh the cat down the
roads light don’t worry about it [Music]

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