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A Playful Sea Lion Encounter in California | National Geographic

I’m Reema Gauri a producer on National
Geographic travel when my partner and I
went snorkeling on vacation we were not
expecting to meet a hug happy sea lion
so how did we get here and what’s going
on with a sea lion let’s roll back the
tape the paws the capital of Baja
California Seward is a hub of aquatic
adventures right in the heart of what
Jack Cousteau called the Aquarium of the
world a one hour boat ride we’ll take
you to spe busan top a stunning group of
islands that are perhaps most famous for
their sea lion colony on Lucy Lopez
ceilings are naturally curious and
playful especially the juveniles they
explore with their mouths and can often
be seen nibbling on slippers so what
happened here it seems like some of my
partner’s gear caught the eye of this
particular sea lion it grabbed onto his
back so that it could float its head
above water and play with his snorkel a
little bit this was such a cool moment
and since my partner remained calm we
all really got to enjoy it I can’t wait
for my next trip back [Music]
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