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Most Important Question to Ask a Millionaire

the most common word I used this past
week on Instagram and snapchat was award
systems I kept saying systems you got
our systems you got our protocols and
people said Pat I don’t know what you
mean by system so let me explain to you
what system I’m talking about by the way
I’m not talking about systems by great
organizations for instance the the
biggest organizations are all system
driven Amazon Google Walmart personality
is gone it’s all a system driven
organization sports teams if you look at
Bill Belichick New England system if you
look at Senator on your Spurs system if
you look at Phil Jackson systems mixtape
and Alabama system they trust systems
more than they trust their players and
the people because systems don’t have
emotions people do if you drive it based
on systems when somebody is down or up
or whatever the system is gonna be you
know effective no matter what the times
are let me go into a leave a little bit
deeper on what I mean by this so for
instance what is your system your system
when all of a sudden you feel down and
you feel depressed what’s your system
how do you snap out of it what is your
system when you’re having anxiety what
is your system when you feeling lazy
what is your system when it’s the middle
of the day one o’clock you just got back
from lunch and you have no energy and
you feel tired what is your system
because some people say well my system
is when I feel down I go have a cup of
coffee and I come back and I snap out of
it I don’t know if that’s the most
effective system but fine that’s your
because everyone does have systems what
is your system when you’re down here’s a
system let me simplify whenever I’m down
I go and ask myself what am I thinking
about well the event I’m thinking about
happened six years ago I don’t control
that I’m not thinking about that anymore
snap out of it come back to the present
I’m not down I forgot about it
I move on in my mind why am I feeling so
anxious right now well because I’m
worried about an event that’s gonna take
place eight months from now now what if
we don’t come through and that gets me
to be anxious and because I’m anxious
I’m not getting results no no snap out
of it come back to the present that’s a
system in here that no one sees it’s
purely being done here because we don’t
think out loud we think inside and
people just see us when we come back in
place it’s one o’clock in the afternoon
or what am I feeling so down so instead
of coming back to the office and just
sitting down come back to the office go
take a 10-minute walk you digest the
food you were having you feel better
you’re energized you get back to work
rather than just sitting down slouching
you waste two hours that you just lost
what do I do when all of a sudden I’m
feeling lazy I’ve been very lazy well
that’s because your life is boring okay
because my life is bored what am i bored
about my relationship my wife and I
we’ve been bored lately maybe we got to
mix it up maybe we got to change it up
what’s going on over here you know we
just had a problem that came up with the
company and and what is our system I
panic I overreact I start crying what
are we gonna do oh my gosh everybody
gets panic we don’t get anything done oh
my god I got to change it let me again
do you see where I’m going with this
because when I see parents we’ll raise
great kids parenting is a very difficult
thing to do when I see parents will
raise great kids I’ll always ask him
what systems did you apply to your kids
when you were raising them and it’s
amazing that the parents who raise great
kids they know what I mean by that word
and they’ll say how interesting you ask
about systems very rarely do people ask
us about systems let me tell you what we
use with our kids we typically do Papa
Papa Papa very cool what do you do with
your marriage I’d only been married for
52 years what systems are you and your
wife have in place it’s a great question
you ask here’s what we did we owe any
time we fought we did this any time we
did we did this they’re sharing with you
the systems because systems are
transferable look there’s a reason why
you follow the attainment I’m assuming
you follow value taming for this one
reason I’m assuming let me explain to
you there’s a lot of channels on YouTube
you can go to that you get motivated and
somebody shares their charisma or their
charm with you and your personality with
you and you get fired up and then you
walk away but you kind of don’t know
what to do next see the reason why you
keep coming back to value ten minutes
because I’m sharing my systems with you
and systems are transferable so you take
my systems that I’ve worked for me that
I got over the years from learning from
somebody else or I read a book or I
tested it and I made a mistake and I
finally said this is how this works and
you applied them and it gets you results
and you’re getting better and better and
better with the money you’re making or
the life you’re living because you’re
applying these systems so here’s my
challenge to you grab a paper and pen
grab a paper and pen and make a list of
all your systems in every aspect of your
life health business finance personal
life relationships spiritual write down
your systems that you have in place and
when you look at those systems ask
yourself is this the most effective
system when
problem arises in a relationship and if
it isn’t start looking for other
people’s systems
that are effective ask them specific
question what system do you use in this
area to help your relationship be better
what system do you use in the middle of
the day when it’s one o’clock and you
don’t have any energy what system do you
use ask specific questions backed up I
wanted to get a step-by-step system that
a person uses and you apply that you get
results so once you make your list I
want you to send me a tweet I Patrick
Davey the most effective system that you
have in place at Patrick baby you’ll see
the handle down there and tell me your
best system that you had in place and
then after that moving forward start
asking people what their systems are
that works for them in those specific
areas and start applying them that is my
challenge of the week to you and if you
got any questions thoughts comment below
and if you haven’t yet subscribe to the
number one channel on YouTube for
entrepreneurs click on the subscribe
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that literal or button right next to it take care everybody have a killer week
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