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Top 10 Most Insane Steam Achievements

sometimes you just have to ask yourself
is this really the best way to be
spending my time hey guys I’m Ricky with
WatchMojo and today we’ll be counting
down our picks for the top 10 most
insane steam achievements before we
begin we publish new videos every day
so be sure to subscribe and ring the
bell to get notified about our latest
videos for this list we’re exploring
steam achievements which are notoriously
hard to obtain or cryptic in nature and
if you guys have any of these
achievements this slow clap is just for
number 10 master of the universe bv v
starting off with a particularly
devilish achievement this one asks you
to simply beat the game without dying
now anyone who’s played this game can
tell you that this is much harder than
you think it is the game itself is a
pretty straightforward platformer but
instead of jumping the player has to
shift gravity in order to make their way
through the various rooms filled with
spikes disappearing platforms and
enemies it’s the kind of game more trial
and error reign supreme making this
achievement one that you can really only
complete after hours of learning and
practicing each room so if you’ve got
the patience for that then we wish you
number nine go outside the Stanley
parable but as he came to his wits and
regained his senses he got up from his
desk and stepped out of his office this
game has a pretty weird set of
achievements and this is just one of
them it’s not cryptic or difficult by
any means as it just requires that you
don’t play the game for a few years you
heard correctly you cannot flee the game
for five whole years now the game itself
doesn’t take long to beat and it doesn’t
seem to be the kind of game that would
keep you playing every single day
however if you’re one of those
completionist type then this one is
going to be driving you crazy for a long
time unless you cheat by changing your
system clock I don’t know how to
convince you of this but I really do
want to help you to show you something
beautiful number eight unachievable also
from the Stanley parable he was
obviously crazy this much she knew
everyone knows what crazy people look at
quote it is impossible to get this
achievement end quote yep that’s the
only hint you get for this one however
on the contrary there are actually a few
ways to get this achievement the first
is to basically cheat by using console
commands to forcibly make it pop the
other way is to just play the game and
hope that you get it the reason being
that the developer made it so that the
achievement would randomly be awarded to
players as they play they even admitted
in an interview that they would change
how it was awarded every patch after
someone had figured it out now that’s
one way of keeping people interested in
sternly number seven impossible boy
Super Meat Boy Super Meat Boy is one of
those games that has a seat at the
incredibly hard platformers table it’s
tight controls and quick reload times
allow the developer to throw some truly
terrifying level designs at you and
that’s made very clear for the
achievement you have to complete the
cotton alley dark world without dying
dark worlds act as harder versions of
the levels you would normally complete
on a regular playthrough cotton Ellie’s
dark world is notoriously hard to get
through already but by throwing in the
classic no death modifier in there it
becomes a true test of skill and
endurance that only the most dedicated
meat boys and girls will be able to
complete number six Tao efficiency
Warhammer 40k Dawn of War two
in the grim dark future of the 41st
millennium this achievement is still a
pain in the ass to get Don of war to
allows three players to play
cooperatively in the last stand a horde
mode with the difficulty increasing as
you fight through waves of enemies for
this achievement you must kill three
doppelgangers within 5 seconds of each
other it doesn’t sound too bad
until you realize that these enemies
only appear on the 16th wave and are
incredibly dangerous not only that but
you as the tau commander character must
get the kills this means that you
absolutely cannot let your teammates
land the killing blow on any of these
guys or else you’ll have to start all
number five seven-day survivor Dead
Rising a classic game for any zombie fan
Dead Rising has the player take control
of Frank West as he struggles to survive
the neverending hordes of undead inside
a large mall the main campaign is
limited by a time but you can eventually
unlock infinite mode which challenges
you to survive as long as possible in
leo the timer Frank has a food meter
that must be maintained and there’s only
a limited amount of food available to
get this achievement
you just have to survive seven in-game
days in this mode that’s only about 14
hours in real world time also you can’t
number four little Rocket Man half-life
there is nothing worse in a video game
than having to protect someone having to
split your focus on your enemies and the
less than useful NPC is the reason why
escort missions are met with size from
gamers everywhere episode two has this
in a form of an achievement where the
goal is to carry a garden gnome that you
find near the start of the game to a
space rocket near the end now the good
thing is that the gnome is an object so
you don’t have to worry about it moving
too slow or dying by running in the
wrong direction
you do however have to worry about the
gnome accidentally launching you out of
the map in constant contact we have no
idea what to expect
number three the three mountains europa
Europa Universalis of Forex strategy
games similar to the Civilization series
where you’re asked to explore expand
exploit and exterminate your way to
victory naturally you would want to
start out as a nation with some
significant power so that you can plan
your conquest without much worry well
throw that comfort out the window for
this achievement because you’ll be
playing as the small island nation of
Rio coup which is just south of Japan
you start off with a small force of six
regiments which is not nearly enough to
go toe-to-toe with either Japan or Korea
you’ll have to be incredibly strategic
in your path to world conquest and it
number two yes I am the real Carey
garrysmod a chief in hunting can get
pretty frustrating when it comes to
multiplayer games Garry’s Mod takes this
frustration a bit further with this
achievement which you can only unlock by
being on the same server as Gary Numan
the creator of the game the big joke is
that he doesn’t play all that often if
at all anymore making this nie
impossible to get especially nowadays
though there are players who do have it
thanks to a group called 100 pals in
2018 they managed to convince Gary to
host a server event with them so that a
ton of people could finally put this
achievement to rest what a nice guy
where’s Gary how do you know I just got
the achievement number one 90-day streak
world of guns guns disassembly you
wouldn’t really expect a simulation
puzzle game to have particularly
difficult achievements and yet here’s a
world of guns taking the bronze medal
this cross-genre title has you learning
about the inner workings of guns through
assembly and disassembly every weapon is
a puzzle in its own right challenging
you as you carefully take them apart
piece by piece there are daily puzzles
to complete and that’s where this
achievement comes in to get it all you
have to do is complete 90 daily puzzles
in a row which is more time-consuming
than difficult but just make sure you
keep on top of it you wouldn’t want to
reset at day 89
I do love when developers find new and
creative ways to drive their fans crazy
guys thank you so much for watching if
you guys have any of these achievements
let us know which ones you have down in
the comments and be sure to LIKE and subscribe to
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