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Top 10 HARDEST First Levels in Video Games

these games show no mercy welcome to and today we’ll be
counting down our picks for the top 10
hardest first levels in videogames
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content for this list we’ll
be looking at the introductory levels in
video games including first vehicle
sections and major battles that have a
high difficulty curve or are seemingly
impossible to clear number 10 Skynet
the Terminator in Los Angeles 2029 a.d
the decades-long war between the humans
and the machines sets the stage before
Kyle Reese goes back in time to try and
set things right yeah well good luck
with that right while this opening level
is technically a short one it is
elongated and made more difficult by the
giant robot that begins level and the
endless wave of terminators thereafter
should Reese succeed in setting bombs
inside the Skynet lab he has to make his
escape in 45 seconds before it blows
fail this mission and recent terminated
and you might just want to return it
number 9 Arkham Asylum Batman Forever
responding to a jailbreak caused by
two-face the dynamic duo must deal with
this unforgiving level while the
convicts are certainly easy to deal with
many gamers managed to get stuck with no
platforms to jump on and seemingly no
way out
players need to press the up and select
buttons together to launch the grappling
hook in certain areas to get past
if the timing is off or you’re standing
in the wrong spot the hook won’t fire
correctly while looking in the manual
can solve this riddle there are no
in-game hints to help you figure out
what to do
leaving Batman trapped forever number 8
the drawbridge Dragon’s Lair
princess Daphne has been captured and
it’s up to Dirk the daring to rescue her
time is of the essence but instead of
rushing into the castle Dirk’s adventure
comes to a screeching halt almost right
away he must cross an eroding drawbridge
guarded by a dragon while avoiding Zak’s
overhead one hit from anything aside
from the bats even the castle door and
Dirk dies only a very complicated
pattern which is never really explained
will allow you to survive the ordeal in
one piece
the arcade game of the same name was no
walk through the Renaissance Fair either
but at least gamers could make it past
the first part number 7 Tatooine
speeder super Star Wars Return of the
Jedi the super Star Wars games were all
notoriously difficult but boy is this
one a doozy
in his land speeder Luke alongside with
Chewie and Leia drive along the sands of
Tatooine in order to rescue Han from
Jabba’s palace the problem well there
seems to be an earthquake or something
because the sands are separated by black
empty voids jump from platform to
platform II you should be okay but avoid
those giant rocks too
while it can be beaten this course is
rough and you’re bound to drive off a
cliff a few times before you get it
right so may the force be with you by
the way no you’re not crazy
this was not in the movies number six
temple of trials fallout 2 following in
his mother’s footsteps the chosen one
entered these perilous ruins to complete
his training acting as a test to see how
players would equip their skills
neglecting certain skills will have an
adverse effect in trying to beat this
level most new players to the Fallout
series were stumped about these skills
so when it came time to fight the
radioactive bugs sneaked past enemies or
pick locks they would not be able to
succeed if they chose the wrong skills
to improve those who are unable to
escape the temple were basically doomed
from the start number 5 the streets of
Springfield The Simpsons Bart vs. the
space mutants instead of going easy on
the 10 year old underachiever
this lengthy level has el barto tagging
purple items avoiding the tiny aliens
that will kill him on contact and
uncovering aliens disguised as humans
using his x-ray specs the level becomes
even more of a nuisance with Bart
needing to go into stores to buy items
without any in-game prompts and then use
these items in unexplained ways that are
necessary for progressing add in a
tough-as-nails skateboarding section at
the second part of the level and it’s
enough to make sure gamers will never
lay a finger on this game again number 4
Pewter City Gym Pokemon yellow
for those who chose Bulbasaur or
squirtle as their starter Pokemon the
Pewter City Gym Leader was probably easy
enough to handle given enough training
however for pokemon yellow players given
that pikachu is the only available
starter and the fact that electric types
are weak against rock-type s– well get
ready for its challenge this isn’t like
the anime where everyone’s favorite
electric mouse can somehow power through
opponents using his willpower nope while
there are other Pokemon that can be
captured to battle in Pikachu’s place
the sheer power of Brock’s Geodude and
Onix may still make you rethink that
whole catch em all Pokemon master thing
number three bullet Aryan palace 1/1
demons souls fans of the soul series are
used to its quirks by now but this has
not always been the case and the
infamous 1/1 was a true of education for
players most will be caught off guard by
the enemies and by trying to avoid traps
it is not uncommon for players to spend
days replaying the level either due to
dying and starting over from the
beginning or having to farm items to
make their character stronger by being
so unforgiving 1/1 prepared players for
the madness that was to come if they
beat the level that is
number two the Rings Superman in an
effort to save his friends from Lex
Luthor Superman enters this virtual
reality world it is here where the Man
of Steel must first pass a frustrating
ring maze there is very little room for
error should Superman miss too many
rings or run out of time forcing him to
start the maze all over again if you do
manage to clear the Rings there’s a
second challenge in the level which
involves I think this is preventing a
series of car crashes well anyway fail
the second challenge and it’s back to
the first set of rings
forget kryptonite in magic these slang
hoops are Superman’s real weakness
number one parking lot tutorials driver
we’ve talked about this tutorial
sequence a lot don’t get us wrong the
original driver is a decent game but
this still bears repeating the tutorial
doesn’t teach players anything other
than maybe some anger management they
are given a time limit to complete the
maneuvers on a list through trial and
error should time run out or you make
too many mistakes and ding up your car
the level resets as a result many gamers
never saw beyond this dank parking
garage what good is being the wheelman
when the game spells at the starting
line do you agree with our picks check
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