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Top 10 Games Critics Hated but Fans Loved

the critics know what they’re talking
about but sometimes that doesn’t mean
they know what they’re talking about
this just proves that the only reviews
you should ever check out are the ones
over on mojo plays welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top ten games
that critics hated but fans loved before
we begin we publish new content every
day so be sure to subscribe to our
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notified about our latest videos for
this list we’re looking at video games
that were a mixed bag among critics but
still managed to win the love of many a
gamer number 10 Double Dragon neon given
how much games have evolved over the
years it can be difficult to bring a
classic arcade game into the modern
world graphics may not be much of an
issue but the overall gameplay infield
can still make a game feel kind of aged
and that’s how critics about to towards
Double Dragon neon which was commonly
described as really updated fans on the
other hand enjoyed the old-school
formula praising it for playing
similarly to the originals while
updating the graphics hey if it ain’t
Kirby air ride was the Kirby game we
never knew we wanted well most of us
critics were a little harsh on our
cutlet prank friends racing game the
most frequent complaints were aimed at
the controls
and somewhat steep learning curve
however most players didn’t really take
issue with either of those if anything
herby air ride is just another one of
those games that’s easy to learn but
difficult to master Plus did an
addictive multiplayer warrant a higher
score who cares who’s up for a round of
City trial the break monster hunter
before the success of Monster Hunter
World the franchise had a few entries
that didn’t sit well with reviewers
monster hunter freedom a remaster of the
first two games in the series was one of
the more interesting cases critics had
complaints about the clunky controls
long low times and the lack of a
compelling narrative as for hardcore
players though they didn’t mind these
problems as it was a chance to
experience the franchise’s roots for
fans of the seemingly never ending
experiences that Monster Hunter
typically provides it was well worth the
number seven spider-man web of shadows
Spidy has had a rocky history with the
video game market while many fans felt
that the movie tie-in spider-man 2 has
been the wall crawlers best outing
others would argue that web of shadows
is actually better after all this is as
close to a complete spider-man
experience as we’ve ever gotten when
you’re swinging through the air and
sneaking around bad guys you really do
feel like the web singer himself
reviewers noted the technical issues in
difficult camera but those were issues
the players easily overlooked for many
fans web of shadows iterated are many
things that worked in spider-man 2 and
number six pokemon mystery dungeon
series the Pokemon franchise hasn’t had
the most stellar spin-offs you really
don’t hear many people talking about
Pokemon channel or Pokemon – however the
mystery dungeon series has seen some
success amongst our core fans despite
critics not warming up to the dungeon
crawler approach fans appreciated the
unique take on the series with the
ability to play as a pokemon it’s hard
not to see the appeal in mystery dungeon
besides the spin-off series is still
going over a decade later so that’s
number five Deadly Premonition f k in
the coffee I knew I could count on it
never fails some games are bad some
games are good this game is so bad it’s
good Deadly Premonition has built a
massive following because I found
strange awkward and unconventional the
entire story is wild critics noted the
absurd writing and hilariously bad
dialogue most of them admitted it was
part of the games charm – this did keep
them from giving it a good score though
but for some players that’s just what
kept him playing multiple times the
feedback was so mixed that Guinness
World Records named it the most
critically polarizing survival horror
game and given the specificity of that
award we don’t see how any game could
ever take that record very particular
about biscuits Oh have you known the
balance of milk butter you’ve achieved
here oh my number for dynasty Warriors
the dynasty warrior series has been
notorious for its very low review scores
the first game in the dynasty warrior
series is actually a pretty
straightforward one-on-one fighter but
starting with 2000 Dynasty Warriors 2
the series has been about fighting waves
and waves of enemies it seems like with
every installment the series is
criticized for awful voice acting and
incredibly repetitive gameplay however
the fans believe that this is what gives
the franchise its charm its
outrageousness makes the game fun and
campy and the gameplay is incredibly
enjoyable when you get lost in the power
fantasy of just swiping through dudes
like they’re made of grass hay everyone
the way of virtue shall fail number
shinji mikami has directed some pretty
stellar games throughout his career
while he’s worked on games like resident
evil 4 and the evil within he also
directed this beat him up back in 2006
godhand has since become a cult classic
but it didn’t do well critically
reviewers didn’t hesitate to call it an
absolutely terrible game but this was
one of the few instances where they
admitted that they couldn’t actually
stop playing while they couldn’t get
past the outdated graphics awful camera
and totally wonky controls players loved
it’s difficult and unique combat and
over-the-top humor
Mikami wanted to create a hilarious
douchebags number 2 Star Wars bounty
we’ll admit that bounty hunter isn’t one
of the best Star Wars games but it
certainly didn’t deserve some of the
harsh remarks from critics the game was
heavily criticized for sloppy controls
and too bad camera overall though
critics just found the game to be
incredibly boring thankfully gamers
weren’t too picky when it came to its
technical issues many players were
satisfied with the unique experience
after all this is one of the few Star
Wars games where you don’t play as a
Jedi plus the secondary missions and
funny how the sequel from 2017 was
insanely successful in comparison to its
predecessor but critics found Neer’s
gameplay to be repetitive the graphics
mediocre and drab experience overall not
everyone is bugged by the game’s
shortcomings though the story was so
strong and engaging that it managed to
resonate with a lot of players for a
long time many took a liking to its
zelda inspired design too on top that
users just couldn’t get enough of the
wonderful music near wasn’t a flawless
game but the scores could have
definitely been higher than just fives
and sixes if the monsters hear me are
they are they gonna come back for me I
won’t let them hurt you Yuna I promise
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