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Top 5 Most Overrated WWE Wrestlers

the e puts too much stock in these lands
and ladies welcome to and
today we’ll be counting down our picks
for the top five overrated WWE wrestlers
before we begin we publish new content
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this list we’re looking at active
competitors on the Dobie Dobie roster
don’t get way more praise and
opportunities than they deserve
we’re not saying they should get the
boots but let’s just be more realistic
about where they should be on the card
each night
number five big Cass if braun strowman
is an example of a big guy done right
and big cass is one gone wrong after
it’s not so much a weighted return we
were expecting this guy to come up with
the goods or at least hone his craft
until he’s ready
instead the e throws him into a position
he’s quite clearly not ready for making
him the last person to be eliminated in
the greatest Royal Rumble wasting Daniel
Bryan’s return feud on him and being
carried through out there backlash belt
needless to say this big bloke needs
some big work number four Jinder Mahal
the only one hindering gender is himself
after a failed publicity stunt idol run
in 2017 the prestige of the dota B
championship took a big hit many would
have hoped that jinda would rise to the
challenge and we’d have a refreshing new
champion he did not after an emergency
tidal drop where he’d get back to
business as usual
and he can go back to the spot he
deserves or so he thought Jinder ended
up winning the US title at WrestleMania
thankfully for a short amount of time
and is now beefing with Roman reigns in
a feud that nobody wants to see number
three nya Jack’s really pays to be the
Rock’s cousin a after essentially
guilt-tripping the fans into cheering gu
during a wrestlemania feud with Alexa
bliss we’re now stuck with the jacks as
the raw Women’s Champion but here’s the
thing there are far better and more
deserving wrestlers in the women’s
division right now like Oscar for
example Jax’s in-ring ability quite
simply hasn’t improved since a debut and
after a less than stellar performance at
it’s quite clear the fans are turning
against it
number two Baron Corbin we all breathed
a sigh of relief after his failed money
in the bank cash in but it seems they
haven’t given up on him yet now instead
this charismatic black hole still
persists you can count the amount of
good matches Corbin has been in on one
hunt and that’s saying something
considering that talented roster is
currently placed in he’s got to up his
in-ring performance right now because
it’s currently receding number one roman
enough is enough no amount of muting the
fans is gonna change the fact that this
is not the guy that fans want to see
yeah it may be a little cliche to drag
the sizeable pooch at this point but
frustration is bound to set in when he’s
constantly shoved down our throats
reigns is protected beyond belief to the
point that whenever someone gets a win
over him and trust us that’s extremely
rare there has to be some sort of
shenanigans involved but who really
benefits from that
just give up Vince he’s not the guy do
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