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Top 10 Dumbest Decisions Made by Anime Characters (ft. Todd Haberkorn)

why why why why why why would you do
that and I want him alive
welcome to and today we
are counting down our picks for the top
ten dumbest decisions made by anime
characters do not worry about before we
begin we publish new content every day
so be sure to subscribe to our channel
and ring the bell to get notified about
our latest videos for this list we’ll be
looking at the actions made by both
heroes and villains in anime that were
for lack of a better word stupid as you
might expect these brain-dead antics are
filled to the brim with spoilers you
have been warned
I’m todd haberkorn your hammer voice of
reason as we traverse the seas of
animated dumb foundry and I can confirm
I myself have never ever made a dumb
decision not once
especially not when I binge watched all
the Nightmare on Elm Street movies or
watched x-men 3-4 times let’s get ready
to mojo
number 10 kgs final gamble chi-chi
ultimate survivor honestly what were you
thinking here dude you won you’d beaten
a bunch of evil twisted geezers at their
own game and we’re about to walk away
rich sure you lost your ear in the
process but now that’s not a problem
since you’ve got so much money and let’s
face it you have another ear a sane
person would have walked away here but
not our boy kg nothing Mostafa decided
to try and take even more money from the
perverse chairman this gamble ultimately
not only does kg lose all his winnings
he also loses his fingers courtesy of a
who knows where his extensive glove
number 9 kaneki joins our geary tree
tokyo ghoul route 8 now i’m not sure
about you but if I ever got kidnapped
held captive and tortured until my hair
changed color the last people I’d hook
up with would be the organization
responsible for said torture because I’m
going to Al Kitty
not only is this crazy decision a direct
contradiction from the manga but it’s
also just so ridiculous he’s throwing
his lot in with a bunch of murderous
creatures who wouldn’t hesitate to
slaughter those he loves now with a
bigger bull’s-eye on his back than ever
it’s fair to say that this stands as one
of the stupidest things kaneki is done
right alongside going on a date with
taystee number eight yuki puts his dick
in crazy future diary in what universe
is sleeping with a homicidal stalker a
even if we ignore the insulting fact
that she had only recently butchered Aki
CRO just out of a sense of
self-preservation it makes no sense for
Yuki to bump hips with you know he’s
seen what she’s capable of
he’s obviously aware of how many screws
she has loose and yet he decides the
best thing to do would be to get his
freak on with her he likes feel like
butterfly wings naturally this comes
back to bite him in the ass when he
inevitably breaks her heart and she
decides to come at him with an axe it
just goes to show if you look good
enough naked you could get away with
anything even first-degree murder time
to do more push-ups is it really so much
to ask that I get to spend one single
day of bliss with the man I love number
seven the Black Knights betray Lelouch
Code Geass Lelouch of the rebellion r2
we can buy that the rebellion forces may
be a little peeved that their boss zero
didn’t tell them that he could control
minds and was in fact part of the
Britannia Royal family but to try and
instantly gun him down just because
another one of the Royals tipped you off
come on zero is a former Britannia
Prince named Lelouch
because of Lelouch and his plans seem to
be lost on this so-called band of
brothers how dare you try to run a con
game on us we know everything about your
Geass power of course after Lelouch
manages to escape the whole organization
is left vulnerable allowing them to be
easily steamrolled afterwards great plan
perfect heroes stable geniuses from this
day from this moment forward the world
number 6 size bomb trust lane aldnoah
zero I’d love to know what was going
through the counts mind when he made
well this slain kid has been shown to be
a tad unstable hates my guts it even
tried peppering me with bullets I know
I’ll adopt him what’s the worst that
could happen
Bosco tienes una moto he McCallum
annuity ring true Yahoo well as we all
know slain would do anything and
everything for his beloved princess
especially if it involves backstabbing
his new father figure size bomb may not
have realized just how deadly a thirsty
young man like him really was but the
writing was clearly written on the wall
in blood like dark liver blood water
number five Aki relieves Miki behind
double man cry-baby right back to habit
Cheers right back the hammer tears with
the world gone mad ever since the
existence of demons was revealed
humans have begun slaughtering each
other out of fear the only one capable
of standing up to both shades of evil is
our man akira AKA devil man whose only
goal left in life is to protect his
beloved miki what do i do animal cannot
ask me she’ll tell mother so why did he
leave her behind when it was pretty
clear just how much things had gone to
shit see this decision would later come
and haunt him as upon his return he
discovers miki has been killed and
decapitated by a crazed mob no no no no
no no no can’t watch this
now before orga follows McGillis plan
Mobile Suit Gundam iron blooded orphans
we understand that the king of Mars
sounds like a pretty cool title orga but
did you really think following a
snake-like mcgillis was going to work
out well for tech Adan Oh
soda Kimi touch you on casino only night
he failed to tell you that his end game
was essentially stealing one giant mecha
and hoping everyone would bow down to
him as a result God Ahura knew it a boy
– oya – the Mobile customer you eat says
that tiny notes kelmot’s surprised they
didn’t and the aftermath didn’t only end
up costing you most of your beloved
comrades but also got you shot on the
side of the street you had nothing to
gain and everything to lose
coming this summer Mobile Suit Gundam
dumb decisions
number three
Griffith screws the princess berserk
Golden Age arc to the battle for dole
tree this guy had the world in his bones
and he just let it all slip away after
discovering that he isn’t considered an
equal by his best friend Griffon guts
decides to leave the band of the hawk in
order to find a dream of his own good
turns out he meant more to Griffith than
anyone realized as the shock prompts the
white hog to do something rather risky
hi I get it he’s just gonna blindly get
drunk with his friends and slowly work
through it all no he’s gonna go take the
princess’s vCard and as a result get
imprisoned and mess up the happily ever
after for everyone involved
damn it Griffith I hope that 15 seconds
of pleasure was worth it
number two Vegeta let’s sell achieve his
perfect form Dragon Ball Z granted
Goku giving cell ascend zubeen before
the fight with Gohan was unspeakably
idiotic but it doesn’t even come close
to the crap that the Saiyan Prince
pulled okay it’s official you completely
lost it after some intense training
Vegeta finds himself with the power to
kill the ultimate Android once and for
but he doesn’t want to know why because
cell goes him into letting him achieve
his final form just so he could pose a
bigger challenge
now go and absorb your Android oh no of
course perfect cell turns out to be a
little stronger than the Prince had
expected leading to him getting his
precious pride and most of his body
smashed to pieces I would never hurt you
sad love you number one light Falls for
ELLs taunt
Death Note you know light first suppose
a genius and would-be deity you are way
too easily wound up you’ll have to get
this first and as long as the police
don’t find it there won’t be any
evidence to convict me pretty tight
spots he’s made a few rookie mistakes
along the way to godhood I guess you’re
just too stupid ill too bad this could
have been a lot more interesting if
you’d only been a bit smarter after
being mocked on live TV light busts out
the Death Note without hesitation and
instantly kills the person he believes
to be L only to find that the whole
thing was a setup
and instantly tips to detective off
about his general whereabouts which
would lay the groundwork to his eventual
demise the god of the new world
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