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Wage Slavery! (How to Escape the System and Become Your Greatest Version)

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are here
I hope your day is going good I hope
you’re really living a fulfilling a
fulfilling life like every single day
you’re looking forward to it no no no
wait slavery you’re trying to escape
wait slavery Oh Oh how to escape
wait slavery and become who you were
meant to be let’s just whoa breathing in
that good ass prana baby that’s the
question that came in if you’ve got a
question add me on instagram at infinite
waters someone else Ralph how can I
escape wage slavery the nine-to-five
like how did you do it can you share
some of your amazing secrets absolutely
we’ve got a whole lot to talk about
deep divers do you sometimes dread going
into work because you feel like a slave
but you can’t get out of it cause like
this person who wrote in you’re like
Ralph I’ve got to pay bills I can’t do
it is that you deep divers and we even
had breakfast yeah can I get a Hello so
let me share with you wonderful deep
divers was helped me along my journey
scape wage slavery and become who I
meant to be look you got to do what you
got to do many times you’re gonna have
to work in a job and do it I’ve worked
in so many different jobs okay so it’s
not a bad thing if you’re working that
nine-to-five right now the only thing is
do you want to be there for the rest of
your life no okay then let’s talk about
you see I’ve realized this along my
journey we are the only species that
pays to live and eat but we are supposed
to be the most intelligent mmm
slow motion aside what’s happening on
the planet where so many people are
living unfulfilled lives because they
are stuck somewhere every single day for
eight nine hours and they’re not really
happy and they call that living
well you’re not really making a living
if you’re not living so I realized this
look stop working on somebody else’s
project you don’t believe him it’s that
like stop trying to build someone else’s
dream you don’t believe in because
that’s what happens when you go into
work every single day they call it they
call it they call it a job because it
means just over broke when I realize
that I’m like I never ever want to work
for anybody again it’s time to become
your own boss so how did I escape wage
slavery have you ever noticed this deep
divers that let’s just say you’re
working a nine-to-five by the time you
come out of work you’ve missed the best
of the Sun then I’m like oh my gosh
what’s happening in this matrix so many
of us are in it’s done by design because
one day I was on my lunch break and I’m
like oh this Sun feels so good
uh-oh I’ve got to be back in the next
three minutes Oh No then I was talking
to someone else I’m like this is a
really good conversation I got to be
back in the next five minutes no now I
can really enjoy that Sun okay because I
create my own reality to escape the wage
slavery you have to start realizing you
can create your own reality you really
can I’ve done it so has the cat down the
road it starts by saying I’m gonna take
responsibility for this wage slavery I’m
not gonna blame my boss I’m not gonna
blame the government no I’m doing it to
nobody is making you be there but
yourself so instead of saying I have to
be here Ralph
I’ve got to pay bills no you don’t you
are choosing to be there I have to know
I choose to hmm
slow motion this side you are choosing
to do every single thing in your life
and nobody is to blame or to be held
accountable but yourself so I had to
learn how to take responsibility I
haven’t been in a full-time job since
2011 but I I don’t have a job right now
I have a lifestyle and that’s why I
escaped wage slavery so how did I create
this amazing lifestyle to be able to
travel all around the world seven day
vegan challenge seven day vegan
challenge popped grapes in my mouth
every single second it was because I
said I choose to do this I’m giving
myself permission to do this you see I
know what it’s like many times we feel
we don’t have options we feel this is
our only option because you are only
seeing life from one perspective it’s
time to start broadening your horizons
and that’s why when I was escaping the
wage slavery system okay I was
researching I was reading I was reading
autobiographies learning from successful
people’s mistakes I’m like I’m
definitely not gonna do that okay then I
realized you see it’s still gonna take
work smart work hard work is still work
it still requires energy for you to
manifest your dream it’s not gonna just
land on your lap actually it did that’s
another story okay you are gonna have to
work twice as hard doing what you love
to escape wait slavery do you think
everybody really wants to be in their
crummy crummy nine-to-five now don’t get
it twisted some
people absolutely love their job and
that’s beautiful but if you don’t and
you still stuck there you’re gonna have
to work twice as hard doing what you
love that means you’re gonna have to get
up early get up at 7 get up at 6 and
start working on that vision start
working it baby work it work it exactly
that’s what I was doing when I was
creating infinite waters I would just
get up early say okay what am I gonna
share with the world and that’s how I
would do it but you got to work twice as
hard sometimes even on the weekends
because you have to show the universe
that hey I really want to be free
you see they call it wait slavery
because many people are wage slaves
because they feel they don’t have a
choice however once you realize you
always have a choice you are no longer
slave hmm
slow motion this side a slave is only a
slave because they think they don’t have
a choice
I realize deep diamonds that is all bs
in other words belief systems mm-hmm
slow motion this side it is all bs the
only thing in the way of you really
escaping wage slavery and living the
life you know you came here to live is
your shoddy belief systems it could
never happen for me Ralph it only
happens for them I thought it would be
impossible to wake up every single day
and do whatever I want no it’s not
because even the word impossible says
I’m possible so you can do it you can
have it but you can have to stop
changing that BS you’re telling yourself
that belief system you’re telling
yourself start giving yourself an
opportunity to say actually I am a
limitless infinite being I can live any
life I want with radical action the most
important part is getting up and doing
something about how
okay getting up and acting not just
thinking about the life but actually
getting up and making it happen and then
shocking everybody okay
I’ve realized this beautiful deep divers
sometimes you’ve heard the saying this
you’ve heard this thing right do what
you love that’s great
do what you love okay that’s how you
find your passion because you’re
passionate when you’re doing what you
love but your purpose also includes
doing what you don’t love and that’s
what highly successful people know
that’s what they know that sometimes
like even along my early journey I had
to do stuff I didn’t really love to do
but it was for the greater good do it
for the greater good right don’t be
afraid to do things you don’t love to do
because it’s all part of it but that
will lead on to more things of what you
really do love to do okay not everything
is gonna be a bunch of roses you’re also
gonna have some thorns in ouch
in there as well okay so stop putting in
the work start persevering start
realizing it’s not always gonna be easy
there’s gonna be times where you really
want to give up but you have to have a
clear vision in your mind of what you
want and keep working it every single
day you see I’ve learned this that if
you don’t spend time creating your own
vision and dream you are gonna give your
time away to someone else’s mm-hmm what
slow motion this side seven day vegan
challenge you see what’s helped me along
my journey beautiful deep divers is to
eat differently to think differently to
live differently shout out to everybody
who is eating a plant-based diet who
feels amazing like they’re superwoman
whoa Superman flying over buildings and
stuff and then drinking some cranberry
juice yeah you’re flying literally okay
because you’re eating the best
foods on the planet okay that’s how to
escape wage slavery you see I’ve learned
this once you start feeling better about
yourself getting that confidence by your
foods you will start naturally wanting
to gravitate towards a more expansive
lifestyle like ever tasted a beautiful
guava juice or mango juice full of
vitamin A you’re like oh this makes me
feel so exotic let me go to Barbados
right and the next thing is do I have
enough money to go to Barbados right now
then the next thing is like hey let me
get some okay so your lifestyle is
really based on your desires okay that’s
how to escape work slavery I realize I
love traveling so I have to create a
lifestyle that can allow me to travel
Hawaii UK Africa South American North
America and Antarctica so cold out here
right look how to escape work slavery
wage slavery and become who you know you
were meant to be talent emanates from
the Latin which means sum of money
the word is Talentum a sum of money your
talent should bring you more money
talent doesn’t mean anything when it
comes to escaping wage slavery there are
a lot of talented people who absolutely
hate their jobs but they don’t feel
there’s a way out I’m very talented I
played the classical guitar I skate I do
a hole up when even had breakfast year
worst talent got to do with it nothing
the universe doesn’t care about your
talent what it cares is if you actually
use your talents but more so if you
learn how to turn your talent into value
for others
mm slow motion this side classic example
a great singer has a lot of talent when
they turn their talent into value
creating a hit single that millions of
people around the world can pop their
head to like oh that’s a beautiful song
while they’re in work and that’s why
those artists are somewhere in a private
yacht in the Caribbean that’s another
story okay so you have to learn how to
turn your talent into value I realize
I’m a Pisces I’m a natural communicator
I can speak for hours I’m like okay
that’s cool Ralph that’s Talent but how
can you turn that talent into value well
stop really helping people to become
their greatest version okay so you’ve
got to find what you’re really good at
and then you have to turn that into
value not only for yourself because
that’s where the whole like thing of do
what you love just do it for you that’s
cool but that won’t help you escape
weight slavery you escape weight slavery
by providing value to a lot of people
don’t think about how you can make a
million dollars think about how you can
serve a million people hmm slow motion
this side okay so that’s really what’s
helped me along my journey turn your
talents into value okay and then stop
following the crowd because you will
only go as far as the crowd like I
realized a lot of us we get put off by
having like really low vibrational
conversations with certain friends are
they really our friends I have no idea
and they kind of suck you back into the
matrix because they’re like hey just get
a regular job be no more like me and
you’re like no I don’t want to do that
well it’s probably time to get a new set
of friends look I realize this that you
need to stop following the crowd there
are people who create jobs
I created this out of thin air if there
isn’t a job in existence it probably
means you have to create it get started
okay because the reason why a lot of us
we’re chained to these terrible jobs
that aren’t really nourishing our soul
is because we
how to create one and if you don’t have
to create a job you’re gonna be working
for the cat down the road who will give
you one so you gotta learn how to create
your own job you have to learn how to
start creating your own lifestyle okay
and you do this by once again turning
that talent you have everybody’s got
something into value for other people
not just yourself for other people learn
how to share now you enter the loft
exchange it’s all energy baby
give-and-take that’s the law of
give-and-take so I’ve learned this that
you got to stop following the crowd
you’ve got to listen to yourself listen
to your own heartbeat even when friends
and family is saying hey don’t do it do
it just do it and you don’t really do it
with a giant leap I’ve learned this that
to xcape wage slavery you got to take
one small step at a time
realize there is no quick fix
there is no instant manifestation if you
really want long-lasting longevity
you’re gonna have to do it day in day
out meaning and meaning you’re gonna
have to take a small step towards your
vision every single day and before you
know it it will grow into a beautiful
bonsai a beautiful oak tree more like
Ralph exactly take a small step every
single day closer to making that vision
real I do this by every single day just
looking at my creation okay Miles Davis
the great trumpet player said even when
he couldn’t play the trumpet he would
just touch it and that’s what you got to
do just touch it so it’s like as if
you’re doing it okay and that’s how you
have a greater communion towards what
you really love to do and then you
escape wage slavery and now you’re
taking one small step every single day
until you start taking massive leaps
look time time time is an illusion
that’s how they get you in the matrix
nine-to-five now you miss the best of
the Sun so you got to really become a
time architect meaning you got to make
time work for you use time wisely yes
man made time is an illusion
I know but it’s very real in the
collective and therefore this time you
have you got to use it wisely and how I
used to do this along my early journey
was to say okay I’m gonna spend one hour
in the morning going for a walk
cuz I got to feel good about myself okay
that was when I actually quit my job by
the way and I’m like what have I just
done man I started to feel so good cuz I
had this freedom right and the more you
start to use your time wisely I’m like
okay I’m gonna write a book that I wrote
feel alive and I’m like sharing making
videos okay and I was finished pretty
early and I’d like to have so much more
time to learn more you see the more you
learn the more you earn
right so I’ve learned this that you got
to use your time wisely many times we
get distracted on social media on just
silly videos and I like that too
sometimes but it’s just that if you
really want to go to the next level and
escape weight slavery you’ve got to use
your time wisely okay and then feel good
about every single thing you’re doing
don’t do it if your heart is not in it
that’s how to escape weight slavery
because once again if you love doing it
if you love you nine-to-five it’s not
wage slavery because you are choosing to
be there you love to be there stay there
but if you do feel like a slave and you
don’t really want to do it you got to
start honoring your true feelings and
being real with yourself to say actually
no longer am I gonna suffer and put
myself through this torture it’s not
worth it what good is it to gain all the
world all the treasures what good is it
to gain all the world all the treasures
all the gold all the diamonds and rubies
all the cars all the mansions if you
don’t really know
you are hmm slow motion this side so
that’s what’s helped me along my journey
beautiful deep divers just realize that
you got to feel good about every single
thing you’re doing and once you are you
will expand become who you were meant to
be and well just say fill so get to be a
live baby can I get a hello beautiful
deep divers we are here have an amazing
day we just whoa breathing in that good
ass prana baby
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you but I
have to be here alpha no you don’t you
are choosing to be there even the cat down the road knows that

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