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Top 10 Best Sci-Fi Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

it seems that only the most hardcore of
sci-fi fans would have time for these
just try and relax missus laughs I could
20 years younger
welcome to and today we’ll
be counting down our picks for the top
ten sci-fi movies you’ve probably never
seen you know you starting to sound like
a goddamn poodle you’re starting to
sound like a jackass but this list we’re
focusing on the science fiction movies
that you may have heard of but chances
are that most people today have never
bothered to sit down and actually watch
them in their entirety yeah this is what
they’re talking about on the news yeah
yeah it must be the comment number 10
coherence no wait the clues are still
here you know that feeling when you just
dropped acid during an important algebra
test no really well then pop this one in
your media player and enjoy what we’re
different a different reality here yeah
we’re in a different reality because the
reality where I am from my best friend
didn’t sleep with my wife
coherence unlike its title suggests
makes zero sense upon first viewing but
by viewing number nine or so you’ve
watched this too many times and you
probably still don’t understand if we’re
collapsing right inside reality okay
wait I’m not gonna wait for that then to
collapse on us a bunch of friends are
hanging out as a meteor passes overhead
and suddenly reality is shattered Oh
they meet alternate versions of
themselves and try desperately to get
back to their original reality while
avoiding or killing their novels
remember that movie sliding doors we’re
just a fraction of a second
there could be two realities in the end
it doesn’t matter everyone’s happy and
we still don’t know what we just watched
maybe what they’re doing it’s breaking
up number nine the last man on earth
December 1965 is that all it has been
since I inherited the world imagine I am
legend but instead of Will Smith Vincent
Price well hop in the Wayback Machine
because they did it in 1964 and it’s
pretty okay how many more of these will
I have to make before they’re all
destroyed they want my blood their lives
in mine I still get squeamish in the
near future 1968 a plague has wiped out
mankind and replaced them with zombie
like vampires zompires
vamp ease whatever the only man left is
dr. Robert Morgan
he and his pencil mustache take to the
streets during the day to brutally
murder the vampire horde
an unknown German is being blown around
the world it’s highly contagious and
it’s reached plague proportions if you
haven’t seen this version yet that’s
probably because the story keeps getting
remade as we saw in 1971 the Omega Man
starring Charlton Heston there’s never a
cop around when you need one
or maybe just because the title is
confusingly slapped on two other
properties yes I’m really nice I’ve ever
around eyes I’m so nice seriously
promise you
number eat Naked Lunch exterminate all
rational thought that is the conclusion
I have come to Peter Weller giant bugs
and drug use
sounds like an unforgettable combination
right I got busted for bug daughter
I started hallucinating against well now
you can watch and enjoy the full
incomprehensible splendor of Naked Lunch
directed by the master of why would you
show me that gore himself David
if you’ve seen Cronenberg’s films before
then you know that sci-fi and body
horror are coming and make it lunch does
not disappoint
I’ve been killing my own wife slowly
over a period of years what
well not attention William Lee is an
exterminator / writer who’s gotten high
off his own supply and now does the
bidding of giant bugs and aliens while
try and publish a book and shoe glasses
off the head of his wife for anyone who
looks like that fun for all good way way
back once before remember stateside
number 7 Soylent Green as a lone
launcher Punk yes so you keep telling me
in the distant future of 2022 cities are
overcrowded pollution is rampant and
food is scarce the only solution
artificial food of course a new
Soylent Green the miracle food of
high-energy plankton gathered from the
oceans of the world detective Frank
thorne is caught up in a suspicious
murder case and falls down the rabbit
hole of industrial espionage and
assassination plots it was murdered you
know fascinated robbery had nothing to
do with it when the truth is discovered
although we won’t reveal that here thorn
must expose it to the world although
he’s effectively telling everyone a
truth they don’t want to know the supply
of Soylent Green has been exhausted
you must evacuate the area Soylent Green
produced what has now become a famous
quote but when your films most famous
line reveals the twist of your movie
there might not be much incentive for a
new audience to see it
tell everybody listen to me Hatcher
you’re gonna tell them number six time
crimes shut up are you not yet tired of
time travel paradox movies well give
this one a spin and sit back as your
mind is blue tempo the premise is simple
in absolutely no way a man ends up in a
time loop and ends up having to try to
prevent the death of his wife
that’s puffle ambassador look at the
lobby estas in focus ah no javi there is
no discussion supona caffeine ocasion
the events of the film are played over
and over again until he gets it right
and as is to be expected there are
several versions of him running around
out there to ensure things play out as
they should
although sometimes they’re working at
cross-purposes l only like what am i
soon I guess tell me nothing it is
submitted another pimple my most if you
loved all that time travel stuff from
back to the future
but thought it could use more horror and
thrills and less comedy this Spanish
weird fest might just be right up your
alley tangled a puto where’s the
mechanical team better than theirs hm
number 5 West world Slugger with your
drink Jurassic Park but with killer
cowboy robots what’s the catch there’s
no catch just grab a popcorn and enjoy
there’s no way to get hurt here just
enjoy yourself before michael crichton
penned is now famous and seek relized
sci-fi epic about dinosaurs running
amuck in a theme park the offer had a
first draft of the very same story but
with another villain the kids loved well
they may have been robots I mean
robots but I mean I I know they were
robots when two buddies visit a
different kind of theme park full of
gun-slinging Androids they began to
suspect that something is amiss when the
robots begin brutally murdering tourists
they must survive as chaos descends upon
the park and dinosaurs relentlessly
Jason uh excuse me robot Cowboys
robot Cowboys relentlessly chase them
anything work around here number four a
boy and his dog I hope the next time you
play with yourself you go blind
ah the classic tale of a young man and
his telepathic dog that helps him find
women to sex up in a post-apocalyptic
wasteland if you haven’t seen a boy and
his dog yet then why not one does not
say ain’t Albert simply say I’m not
kidding fine dogmeat
stop calling me Albert the plot based on
stories by fantasy writer Harlan Ellison
boasts a solid slightly unusual premise
and introduces a lot of what we now take
for granted as post-apocalyptic story
tropes like mutants raised robots and
underground communities living in
bunkers another Michael out of the
this time made sure the engineering
department wipes that smile off his face
he never quite roof for the eponymous
boy or his dog or any of the other
characters for that matter but the film
has become integral to sci-fi and
post-apocalyptic lore fallout anyone now
you got any helpful suggestions
yes pull up your pants Romeo number
three Brazil listen we’re all in this
together if you’re familiar with any of
Terry Gilliam’s directorial work then
you know that most people consider this
to be his magnum opus was he really in
an Orwellian dystopia government
employee Sam Laurie is tasked with
investigating a clerical error that
caused the interrogation and death of an
innocent man
I only know you got the wrong man what
information transit got the wrong man
I got the right man the wrong I was
delivered to me as the right man I
accepted him on good faith as the right
now the film blends cartoonish fantasy
with gloomy sci-fi as the hapless lorry
navigates a bleak bureaucratic world
while also imagining himself in heroic
because we’re dealing with Gilliam you
can expect a lot of wacky caricatures
and lavish sets about the hell is this
mess an empty desk is on the efficient
desk though it’s gotten rave reviews
over the years it was also described as
hard to follow by Roger Ebert which
perhaps explains why most people haven’t
seen it but you wanted it oh I don’t
know I don’t know what I want
number two Forbidden Planet just doesn’t
fit in the normal nature anywhere in the
galaxy this is a night it doesn’t get
much more sci-fi miss when an invisible
force begins murdering human colonists
on a distant planet a crew goes to
investigate to see what all the fuss is
about nice climate you have here high
oxygen content I rarely use it myself
sir it promotes rust a young dashing and
dark-haired Leslie Nielsen stars as
commander John Adams and leads his crew
to uncover the truth about the invisible
menace robots spaceships and jumpsuits
abound in Forbidden Planet
so this hidden gem is well worth
uncovering now be sure to look only in
the mirror man does not behold the face
of the Gorgon and live in fact Star Trek
creator Gene Roddenberry’s liked this
movie as one of his prime inspirations
he used to come up with his sci-fi
series so it’s got married if you do not
speak English I am at your disposal with
187 other languages along with their
various dialects and sub tongues before
we unveil our top pick here are a few
honorable mentions McCaffrey
compared to the breadth of knowledge yet
to be known does your life actually
matter I have come here to chew
bubblegum and kick ass and I’m all out
of bubble oh you guys go out without me
I’ll be all right
correction all he does in his sleep is
quit surrender and apologize
I could carve a better man out of a
banana I have to apologize I was born
with a disfigurement where my head is
made of the same material as a son it
makes it impossible for you to look
directly at me what is it huh
whatever it is explore number one
metropolis though it was made before
most of our grandparents were even born
most people have heard of metropolis
either from pop-culture references or a
friend who keeps going on about its
social relevance bro
the film is an impressive work of German
filmmaking by Fritz Lang a productions
so big and lavish that caught the
attention and praise of Adolphe Hitler
much to the directors shock
the story deals with social and
political change which was a big issue
in Germany at the time to say beliefs
despite its futuristic setting audiences
drew many parallels between metropolis
and the current events of the era which
is the aim of almost all good sci-fi
do you agree with our list
what sci-fi films have you never had
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