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Top 10 Animated Movies: 1920s-1970s

because a classic can be a cartoon to
Dumbo look what I got for you welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top 10 animated
movies from the 1920s to the 1970s for
this list we’ve looked at all animated
films released between 1920 and 1979 and
have selected those that achieved the
most success we’re the most original and
advanced the animation industry furthest
magic mirror on the wall who is the
fairest one of all we’re only looking at
feature-length films however so no
shorts this is part of a series of video
spanning the decades of animated movies
from the 1920s to the 2000s well kids on
Rick come to you my DEA number 10
Sleeping Beauty
an adaptation of the traditional
fairytale Sleeping Beauty remains one of
the most significant movies to be made
by the Californian company little
princess my gift shall be the gift of
beauty in Aurora they created one of the
traditional Disney princesses and with
Maleficent they unleashed one of
cinema’s greatest villains this is a
tale of true love that is never likely
to be forgotten especially after an
angelina jolie reboot as magical as
animation has ever been it’s a movie
that has us ironically wide awake and
watching I want with you number 9 Peter
Pan yes a Peter Pan based on the
much-loved work by JM Barrie Peter Pan
proved a favorite in the 50s what he
taught pain bringing to life some
unforgettable characters Neverland was
always fun for the viewer to Neverland
pan was a protagonist for the people
while even Captain Hook had a certain
scary charm about him
not let me see where was my oh dear
Cap’n if we were always glad to find the
Lost Boys and Tinkerbell is still an
animated icon what’s more we never
looked at our shadow the same way again
the boy who wouldn’t grow up his story
will never get old you’ll never grow up
there number eight 101 Dalmatians my
only true love darling I live for furs
famous villains has been a theme of the
opening to this countdown and our next
movie serves up another clue Ella
deville Cruella De Vil crazy Cruella De
Vil is trying to steal the puppies but
she very nearly steals the entire show
need a dolly how are you miserable
darling as usual perfectly wretched the
demonic dognapper is materialistic to
the point of being sadistic and she has
fur on the brain he didn’t speak to it
all day cuckoo and I do the pop peas the
puppies when Perdita gives birth to 15
Dalmatians Deville simply cannot see the
creature for the coat 15 dalmatian
puppies stolen
what follows is far from black-and-white
as Disney’s Dalmatians make for some
classic characters wait so they thought
they could outwit COO at number 7
Charlotte’s Web good morning salutations
based upon EB White’s 1952 children’s
book Charlotte’s Web is another
anthropomorphic work of art isn’t he
it didn’t strike immediate success but
has gradually garnered a fierce fanbase
achieving an almost cult status my name
is Shawn the plot follows Wilbur the pig
who is destined for the slaughterhouse
isn’t it great that I articulate and
Charlotte the spider who is trying to
help him avoid it
Thank You Charlotte billed as humble
radiant and terrific it doesn’t
disappoint affair is a veritable
smorgasbord August board August board
White himself is said to have disliked
the adaptation but we’re gonna have to
politely disagree on that one I just
can’t stand any more violence number six
Alice in Wonderland well my name is
Alice and I’m following five headed back
with Disney for our next movie and more
classic children’s literature how do you
do with Jake and okay can shake when
Lewis Carroll penned Alice’s Adventures
in Wonderland in 1865 he could hardly
have foreseen the rise of Walt though he
may as well have been writing with the
great man in mind when its executive
executive well it’s precisely fix
everything about Wonderland lends itself
to animation if I were looking for a
white rabbit I’d ask the Mad Hatter this
movie is the middle ground between
imagination and insanity between
make-believe and madness it’s what
Disney read as a youngster and it stuck
with him as an adult this picture was
his realisation of the wackiest of world
number-5 Fantasia
cartoons and classical music are usually
paired together but rarely as
dynamically or as directly as this
Fantasia is without any need of
spectacular from Bach to Beethoven from
Stravinsky to Tchaikovsky
this production pulls absolutely no
punches serving as a Mickey Mouse
relaunch the bucket wielding broomsticks
and the Blue apprentice hat are among
the film’s most memorable images
but perhaps Chernabog and the Night on
Bald Mountain stand out the most as
chilling now as it was in 1940 number
four Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Chenault Pike considered one of the most
significant milestones in
twentieth-century cinema
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the
very first feature-length movie made by
Walt Disney Snow White the princess a
feat for which the animator was awarded
an honorary Oscar at the eleventh
Academy Awards he was presented a
standard-sized statuette along with
seven mini reproductions these seven
little children table seven untidy
little children the story is truly
timeless as it encompasses the very
essence of a fairy tale
a princess an evil queen and true love’s
first kiss
Snow White didn’t follow the rules it
made them number three Bambi I think
I’ll call him Ben in the 30s and 40s
Disney could do absolutely nothing wrong
Bambi was another beautifully brilliant
production providing an emotional
concoction of the incredibly uplifting
and the absolutely heartbreaking mother
a film for those adults who passed
animation off as child’s play it had
anyone and everyone crying over cartoon
animals your mother can’t be with you
anymore an establishment of what would
become a very fruitful formula the title
character was backed up by some cute
comedic sidekicks yes mama
and a journey was made in the name of
hope – Oh
it worked then and it still works now
yes you I don’t believe I’ve ever seen
the more likely looking pair for Fringe
Bambi ought to be mighty proud number
Cinderella all right all right I’m
coming an animated classic if ever there
was one
Cinderella was actually a crucial
creation for Disney there’s two wave of
my stick and finish the chick the
company had not fared well during World
War two and by 1950 they were on the
verge of bankruptcy it’s a beautiful
dream did you ever see such a beautiful
dress then Along Came Cindy to breathe
new life into everything a damsel in the
utmost distress
Cinderella lives out her lonely
existence dreaming of happily ever after
once more this is the movie that created
the cliche often copied but never better
its place on the podium is beyond doubt
thank you thank you so much for
everything before we unveil our top pick
here are a few honorable mentions
you see don’t tell me you’re going in
there well huh
why it’s swarming with wolves Bigler
right from your toes how’s that yeah
look at King Robin Hood bow number one
Pinocchio they monkey if we said this
wasn’t the best animated movie of its
era then we’d be lying and then of
course our nose would grow and we don’t
want that a puppets dream to be a real
boy is this films Drive but there’s more
than simple hope here you see Pinocchio
a lie keeps growing and growing until
it’s as plain as the nose on your face
it’s a coming-of-age tale and an epic
adventure as well
alerting everyone to the Jiminy Cricket
inside us all and scaring everyone away
from temptation
this is Disney’s defining moment hey pop
her mouth open up I got a good ending
Snow White was good but could won’t do
it again – right he could a real uh a
real boy
do you agree with our list yeah which
animated classic did we miss you Murray
why you have to fall off the bridge for
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