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Did Humans Make These Ancient Cave Paintings? | National Geographic

oh good we’ve come to Asturias to sample
small calcite deposits on top of cave
art right and we can date when these
forms so we can get an age for when the
paintings were done that’s as close as I
can get with my hand so touching
anything already in Spain we have dated
art that is fifteen thousand years older
than previously thought but it’s also
the oldest art that we have in Europe
dating to at least forty one thousand
and what’s interesting about that date
is that we can’t tell at the moment
whether in fact it means that was
painted by Neanderthals or whether it
was painted by the earliest modern
humans to arrive in Europe modern humans
evolved around 200,000 years ago in
Africa but we don’t find them using
things that express their symbolic
thoughts until maybe a hundred thousand
years ago so the earliest paintings that
we have are actually found here in
Europe and there’s a really interesting
question as to why it was in Europe that
painting started rather than in Africa
when modern humans have been around for
a very long time and there are several
reasons why this might be one is that
Europe was populated by Neanderthals at
the point of which modern humans arrived
and they may have had to reorganize
themselves into different social
structures in order to survive in order
to compete for resources and food and
therefore they need means of maintaining
social cohesion and that could be
through new religious practices that
required the painting of caves for
we’re also interested in whether or not
symbolic behavior coincides for example
with language or whether human symbolic
behavior in fact dates right back to the
point at which we start looking like
humans in which our skeletons look like
they do today and then we’re also
interested in whether or not Neandertals
themselves could be producing art and
the dating of this will tell us whether
or not they are made by modern humans or
made by any other tools it is big news
and it but it’s big news I think because
people have dismissed specially outer
towers are symbolic individuals but in
Pharrell swear in Spain we’ll find
evidence for the other tower use of
pigment perhapses as body adornment
makeup if you like so it wouldn’t be too
surprising to find out that they also
painted caves
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