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Vegan Sausage Rolls | Kerryann Dunlop

hi foodtube it’s the best day of season
oh you couldn’t warm everybody’s
throwing parties including me I’m going
to show you a really really great recipe
there’s a good all-rounder for all
parties it’s a vegan sausage roll vegan
sausage roll you may ask yes it’s true
instead of pork we’re using mushrooms
they give a really deep flavor to
something that doesn’t have any meat in
it whatsoever let’s get started
so I’m going to use a medium onion two
sticks of celery and two nice fat cloves
of garlic I’m going to finely chop the
keeping the root on and then just go
through and now for a garlic back of the
knife wash and it should pop out of the
skin just like that chop chop chop I’m
just going to chop up this celery as
well guys I don’t need to worry about
doing it and perfect right so our celery
onions and garlic are chopped now we’re
going to put them in a pan in the pan
I’m going to need a tablespoon of olive
my tablespoons are a little bit bigger
than yours but that’s probably why my
hips a little bit bigger than yours too
we’re going to add this and what we want
to do is we want to cook this until it’s
really soft and almost caramelized so it
usually takes about 8 to 10 minutes
right so this has been cooking for about
eight to ten minutes come and have a
look my friends if you look inside
you’ll see that they’re all lovely and
soft now and they’re just starting to
change color so that means they’re just
caramelizing now we are going to add 500
grams of chestnut mushrooms which have
been finely finely chopped guys if
you’ve got a food processor please by
all means if you don’t like chopping you
can even get the kids to grate them it
won’t make any difference whatsoever so
in they go so what we want to do is want
to make sure the mushrooms and the
onions and the garlic and celery are
well combined so the mushrooms have been
in here for about a minute now and as
you can probably see they’re all melding
together with the onions and the celery
and the garlic and it’s all becoming one
this is the perfect point to add the
rest of the ingredient a nice tablespoon
of Dijon mustard which is going to add a
little tiny bit of warm bit a depth of
flavor and a nice sweetness something to
mix that in and then we’re going to go
in with a hundred mils or a good
generous splash of white wine don’t
worry about the alcohol content my
friends because once this starts to cook
and evaporate all of the alcohol will
disappear you’ll just be left with the
beautiful flavor right so we just need
to let this simmer until all of the
liquid is gone and once the liquid has
gone we’ll need to turn it off and leave
it to one side to cool right so our
mixtures been calling and there’s no
liquid in there now here I’ve got some
flat leaf parsley which I’m just going
to chop reasonably finely because we
don’t want big massive leaves in our
sausage rolls and now I need some fresh
thyme and I’m literally just going to
pull off the little teeny tiny leaves
pull and the leaves will come off like
that get a nice mixing bowl
and into that I’m going to put my
mushrooms onions celery and garlic
straight into the with the parsley and
thyme and I’ve got 80 grams of fresh
breadcrumbs you can make them yourself
literally we’re a bit of old bread in a
food processor or in a grater and now
we’re going to mix that all together and
we’re going to check it for seasoning
mix mix mix a paste okay need some salt
and some pepper join us so nice so
that’s all mixed and combined and lovely
what I’m going to do now is I’m going to
put this to one side I’m going to clear
down my surface because we and now that
makes saucer drops I have here two
sheets of ready-made shop-bought puff
pastry which is suitable for vegans what
I’m going to do going to cut this in
half lengthways and then I’m going to
brush the edges with some almond milk
okay so on one side of this pastry I’m
going to use a quarter of this fill-in
because we’re going to do this four
times so it’s important guys not to put
too much fill in because you won’t be
able to seal it or when you do seal it
they’ll just all explode when you put
them in the oven we’re going to lift our
pastry and fold it over then we’re going
to press it down
around the filling can you see becoming
a sausage roll before your very eyes and
we’re just going to use a fork to press
the sides this is a bit of a decoration
but mainly to seal it I’m going to brush
it with a bit more almond milk to seal
the sausage rolls together and for the
sesame seeds that I’m going to sprinkle
on top we’re going to get all sausage
rolls from each strip this way to do
this equally is to go in half and then
in half again
now this baking sheet is nonstick but
just to be sure I’ve put a bit of grease
proof paper on it as well but we want
them to look beautiful I’m going to now
put these in the oven 200 degrees 400
degrees Fahrenheit or gas mark 6 or
about 15 20 minutes or until they’re
nice and golden crispy and all puffed up
and looking lovely imagine walking
around at a party with Atreides you will
be the most popular person there they
look incredible they smell amazing wow
they are so good
the mushrooms give a real depth of
flavor and make it taste really really
meaty the pastry is all fluffy and
crispy and just gorgeous and then you’ve
got the little nuttiness of the sesame
seeds make sure you try them they are
incredible and for this recipe head over
and you’ll find whatever it is you’re
looking for in the meantime subscribe to
it is free and if you fancy it head on
over to my channel and have a little
look and see what I’ve been doing over
there but most importantly my friends
have fun enjoy yourself and happy
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