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Top 10 Angry U.S. Liberals

they are the aggressive voices of the
left welcome to and today
we’ll be counting down the top 10 most
loudmouth liberals how do you and Mary
Matalin make it work I mean she’s a
brilliant patriotic Republican
strategist and you let’s face it are a
pinko nut job for this list we decided
to exclude anyone who’s had a
significant political career number 10
Jon Stewart you really think that’s a
political comment yes you’re insane
kicking off our list is the man who
walks the line between comedy and
journalism as a member of that infamous
liberal media elite Stuart is not as
argumentative as some but what he lacks
in abrasiveness he makes up for in
wisecracks the book is and again I don’t
want to criticize you your cover
designer Bill O’Reilly killing Lincoln
he’s super smart and does rag on both
parties however fair and balanced aren’t
usually terms ascribed to him even if he
expects it of others what you do is
perfect partisan hackery and I’ll tell
you why I ignore a on your show and you
sniff his throne and you’re accusing us
of partisan hackery absolutely you’re a
got to be kidding me
you’re on CNN say might the show that
leads into me is puppets making crank
phone call what is wrong with you number
Bill Maher liberals must launch our plan
for socialist domination immediately as
with most liberal comedians fans of
Maher think he’s a well-informed
political commentator with a penchant
for political incorrectness staying in
the airplane when it hits the building
now say what you want about it not
cowardly if you fall on the other side
of the spectrum
he’s a mean-spirited narcissistic
obnoxious bully who panders to Democrats
at every turn he’s Pro prostitutes poker
pita and putt and militantly
anti-religion my big thing is I don’t
know that’s what I free I freedom the
gospel of I don’t know he constantly
calls his viewers brainwashed liberals
but who did that brainwashing exactly
now I like this president and all those
secret strategy meetings we had with me
and him and George Soros and the new
Black Panthers
I found him to be very agreeable Allah
be praised
but number eight Rachel Maddow
no one ever accused MSNBC of being
anything but left-leaning but Matt out
push is that to the extreme one of
mainstream media’s few openly gay
personalities she’s marketed as an
outsider who provides blunt in-your-face
commentary translation her obvious
agenda and holier-than-thou attitude are
given a daily platform the support for
these policies look at this as a port
for these policies is the kind of
support you get for the contention that
puppies are cute but Matt O’s built a
cult following by calling Bush a war
criminal so let’s give credit where it’s
due though President Bush the torture
approver in chief has yet to be held to
account for anything someone is still
trying on another front number seven
James Carville
he’s the ragin Cajun Carville has been a
high-profile Democrat since he was Bill
Clinton’s campaign manager
extraordinaire and coined the phrase
it’s the economy stupid as a central
message unlike many on either side of
the political divide Carville overcame
his biases and married Republican
personality Mary Madeline aside from the
fact that he’s a southern Democrat
it’s his look accent and sound bites
that make this guy memorable but if it’s
the pinyon he appears that you worried
about you need to get out and find his
story Cajun style number six Sean Penn
you call me homo loving Sons of Guns
whether or not you actually believe Penn
is a fascist you have to admit he’s a
talented actor he’s my daughter
either way like most Hollywood liberals
he’s criticized for capitalizing on
capitalism while at the same time
condemning it and boy does he condemn it
one more bang for your buck let’s talk
about the human rescue plan actually his
big thing was the Iraq war but he’s one
of many actors who’s used the Oscar
stage to send a political message I
think that it is a good time for those
who voted for the ban against gay
marriage to sit and reflect and
anticipate their great shame in the
shame and their grandchildren’s eyes if
they continue that way of support we’ve
got to have equal rights for everyone
number five keith olbermann with guys
like this around it’s hard to deny the
liberal media bias good journalism
reveals both sides of the story
but rabid liberal Olbermann usually
bounces his opinions of people who share
them like the blue states Fox News and
Dick Wolf was being over the top by
comparing Beck O’Reilly and Limbaugh to
disease because comparing them to
disease gives disease a bad name he’s
not the worst person in the world but
this former sportscaster was fired after
he secretly donated to the Democratic
Party even though he claims to be
neutral the pathological presidential
liar or an idiot in chief it is the
nightmare scenario of political science
fiction number four Chris Matthews often
teamed up with Oberman is this guy
sometimes called the most conservative
voice on MSNBC probably because he once
claimed to have voted for George W Bush
Matthews can be depended on for some
pretty positive liberal spin he’s also
pretty angry and he loves to interrupt
people that’s the problem
we get a government we’ve got a vein and
he’s not big on religion please tone
down the yelling won’t you all this is
on the record Rick and you keep denying
in fact you keep dancing over your words
here those of yours are not his words
number three Alec Baldwin he’s not a
staunch Republican he just plays one on
TV thank you for telling me what I
already know you should work with our
victim best while Baldwin is by no means
the only Hollywood liberal he’s high on
conservatives hit lists he’s outspoken
articulate and knowledgeable but prone
to gas Baldwin’s Huffington Post blog
was one thing but him possibly running
for office is quite another also
admitted supporting Occupy Wall Street
and doing Capital One commercials is a
bit iffy frustrating isn’t it but that
won’t happen with the capital one
venture card number two Piers Morgan why
do you wanted to pull me following the
Sandy Hook school shooting left-wingers
jumped on the gun control bandwagon hard
leading the charge with CNN’s Piers
Morgan between calling the NRA heads
stupid or getting into spats with every
pro-gun expert around Morgan piss people
off so much they petitioned to have him
deported and I’m here to tell you 1776
will commence again if you try to take
our firearms with his confrontational
ways and
never back down attitude he will be
riling the right for years unless he
sent back to England I know why sales of
these weapons have been soaring in the
last few days it’s down to idiots like
you mr. Pratt thank you for joining me
number one Michael Moore last week’s a
poll 72% said tax the rich 72 percent 72
percent taking the top spot on our list
is the propaganda machine who brought us
Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit
9/11 more shoes the label political
activist and is often called
disingenuous since he actually makes
money how are you helping these people
with your 50 million I don’t have 50
million that’s what it’s rumoured your
work well really is that what you do
sell rumors we’re asking true you’re
just Punk media is all you are you lie
you lie
but basically Republicans love to hate
on this Democratic Party mouthpiece
because a people watches films B he’s
rich and see he’s mega liberal or rather
anti-american plus they never pass up a
good fat joke it’s Michael Moore a
wildly fat man with an anti-american
streak even whiter than his waistline do
you agree with our list which liberal
personalities do you find the most
combative but resist we much we must and
we will much about that be committed for
more top 10s be sure to subscribe to yes okay it makes me sick
when I hear people say that cutting
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