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How to Deal With Difficult People

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again here we are in nature is beautiful
the bird singing the Sun is out
clear blue skies how to deal with
difficult people dealing with people we
can’t stand who get on our nerves
it may be your next-door neighbor your
friend your family member someone is
gonna push your buttons how do we deal
with this for me on my journey I found
five great ways to deal with difficult
people first and foremost I look at it
like this there are no positive people
there are no negative people there is
only resonance number one something
which has helped me is to realize don’t
take it personal a lot of people’s
problems are not our problems they are
their problems you can’t please everyone
if someone doesn’t like you that’s too
bad all you can do is just smile for
them realize that don’t take it personal
if someone is angry at you nine times
out of ten they’re dealing with their
own personal issues
number two stay calm
how we feel internally is how we carry
ourselves externally once you can smile
when you’re dealing with people that you
don’t resonate with difficult people
once you can keep calm that inner
balance is essential keep your head up a
lot of people walk around their whole
life with their head down to the ground
keep your back straight stand your
ground you don’t have to become
confrontational with anybody but we all
must tap into our inner power because
the power is within we have to
really be connected to who we are
breathe easy once you can be calm and
not become so reactive a lot of people
that annoy us they want us to fall into
their trap difficult people whether it’s
at work wherever it may be they want you
to battle with them whatever you fight
you give energy to therefore resistance
make stronger once you can become silent
say what you want to say but become
silent within yourself you develop inner
peace and balance and therefore that
difficult person is no longer difficult
there are no difficult people is how we
interpret Tait what is difficult it is
our interpretation of what it means to
be difficult it’s different for every
single person on the planet
some people find some people very hard
and difficult because there is a
resonance factor here at work every
single thing in this universe is based
on the law of resonance based on the law
of affinity
therefore we attract what we are the
third way I found to deal with difficult
people is to put things in perspective
stop worrying start living how important
move past them let it go
many of us we’re holding on we’re
reacting we must change the way we react
to difficult people before we can change
the way we interact with them everything
is based on how we react
the power lies in our hands and when we
can put things in perspective so many
things are happening all around the
world and guess what I’m gonna let this
person that work this person down the
road I’m gonna let their fear consume No
that’s how energy vampires work they can
also make us feel inadequate they take
in your energy by you giving them your
energy so a lot of the time I realized
that how am I gonna use my energy we
have that power to decide how we
distribute our energy am I going to
spend all the time
ruminating going over about how much I
don’t like this person the more you
focus on something the more it grows
therefore change your focus put things
in perspective in their proper place and
then you just fly that difficult person
is no longer difficult ask yourself how
is this person holding up a mirror to
you many people who recall difficult are
actually helping us discover who we
really are we have to thank these people
because they are allowing us to see the
unresolved issues within ourselves they
are allowing us to see things we don’t
want to see about ourselves and they are
this giant mirror holding up and we are
looking into our reflection when we look
at these people
it’s all about us once we can see that
once we take responsibility for our own
feelings for our own actions then we no
longer give that person sole
responsibility for our problems they no
are the cause it’s amazing just simple
things you can do to change how you see
the fourth way I found which is so
helpful when we’re dealing with
difficult people nagging people people
that drain our energy is to put
ourselves in their shoes so many people
on the planet have gone through so much
some people have gone through emotional
hardship growing up if you can have
empathy which means to recognize other
people’s emotions it frees you it
liberates you because you get to see
where other people are coming from in
essence you are seeing the world how
they see the world and once you can do
that you can rise above it you can smile
at people more you can learn how to not
take people so seriously
because everyone is coming from a
different place everyone has a different
upbringing a different background when
you can see that this difficult person
is no longer difficult they’re a walk in
the park because you don’t take it
personally the last way I found to deal
with difficult people to not let
difficult people rule your life is to
keep it moving don’t dwell on difficult
people what they have to say to you in
one ear out the other ear that’s how I
deal with difficult people I keep it
moving I realize that in life the
universe gives everyone a job
therefore what we call difficult people
some people actually call them
Psychopaths what is a psychopath let’s
break down the words in there etymology
psycho coming from the Greek psyche
meaning mind pathy coming from the Greek
pathos pathos meaning suffering so mind
suffering a lot of people say this
person is a psychopath many of us we
might have even been in a relationship
to someone who is psychopathic you have
to keep it moving and realize that these
people are also needed on the planet
because they help you tap into your true
self if everybody on this planet was the
same it would be a very boring world
indeed nature has a sense of humor and
that’s what we have to have when we’re
dealing with difficult people remember
to have a sense of humor when you’re
dealing with disagreeable people but
remember that traffic has to move in
both directions just as the heart veins
are carrying blood towards the heart
arteries are carrying blood away from
the heart so you always have this motion
the friction is what keeps everything in
divine alignment it keeps everything
spinning moving super fast speeds but to
deal with difficult people remember also
that the manipulation on this planet has
taken many people out of their element
what is the TV telling you every single
day mind control so many people are not
themselves many people are under a spell
that is what you’re dealing with zombies
automatons mindless drones therefore you
have to keep it moving
we have to keep it moving we have to fly
becoming lighter is the only way to fly
the more you think about other people
how they’re hurting you inside the more
you actually become other people certain
people who are smiling all the time that
energy has to pass through them first
before it reaches you therefore if you
can smile to a difficult person they may
not like it but guess what you free
yourself your blood chemistry changes in
essence is attitude we take the attitude
we have is essential when we are dealing
with difficult people how we respond is
the most fundamental part that is all we
have control over we don’t have control
over how other people are we came to
this planet to have the most expansive
human existence and we are awakening to
a world of infinite possibilities right
now on the planet therefore there is no
time to be stuck in a petty thought
about someone who is most likely
insignificant to your life in the grand
scheme of things so we have to sail past
that remember Nature has a sense of
humor every difficult person you meet is
there as a teacher for you once you pass
that test that they’re here to teach you
they no longer become difficult they are
difficult because they are the test for
you your greatest adversary is your
greatest friend
don’t let anyone bring you down
they say sticks and stones may break my
bones but words will never hurt me words
do hurt so once we can actually see that
do not give other people’s words power
to do that we have to stay neutral we
have to stay in inner balance walk
around in nature change your environment
a lot of us we place ourselves in
environments where there are lots of
difficult people around connect with
kindred spirits people who give you
energy because a lot of difficult people
they’re taking your energy away but
they’re not negative people it’s just
that there’s no resonance there they
also deserve their right to be on this
planet but they’re here to teach you
more about yourself embrace every single
person you meet because in doing so you
see that everything is about your own
internal private reality it’s about your
own world we are all planets and that’s
why a lot of people don’t get along with
certain people because everyone is
operating on a different frequency we’re
all in different polarities you have the
super super nice people you have some
people who are naturally cold what are
you gonna do ok that’s your issue I’m
sorry I’ve got to go see ya Kim it’s
just amazing when you can see that love
yourself let no one bring you down let
no one take a moment of your wellness
and inner balance every single moment
you spend thinking of someone who is
getting on your nerves you are taking
away the opportunity to be in bliss for
a moment so it’s either or either you
think of someone that you don’t like
forever and ever and they become so
powerful to you that now you’re the
victim we have to get out of this victim
mentality take responsibility for your
feelings no one is greater than yourself
therefore don’t let anyone rule over you
when we talk of difficult people there
is something which I coined as the
emotional drive-by it’s when you’re just
minding your own business and guess what
someone comes to you they drive you King
hmm and they just dump a whole load of
baggage on you and then they just drive
away pew they’re gone they’re vanished
that’s the emotional drive-by
beware of the emotional drive-by we need
an anti firewall virus protection for
ourselves right now on the planet many
of us we have what we call kick the cat
syndrome in society this is where you go
to work
your boss shouts at you you come home
and you are so angry that the cat walks
past you and you kick the cat it’s a
transference of energy and that’s what
happens a lot with difficult people
we’re dealing with we are not their
problem something else has caused this
that is kick the cat syndrome it is the
emotional drive by that we have to be
aware of by becoming aware that we are
not people’s concerns or worries we
liberate ourselves more so we are able
to deal with anyone because everything
is based on how we see ourselves the
perception you have of yourself is far
more important than the perception other
people have of you it’s all within you
less celebrate so the five ways to deal
with difficult people number one don’t
take it personal number two keep it
moving number three put yourself in
their shoes
News number four put things in
perspective lastly number five stay calm
breathe easy keep your head up be aware
of body language that is the five
secrets of how to deal with anyone you
can’t stand now there are no excuses
become a sovereign being today be free
because that’s what we came here as
limitless beings on the planet to shine
to discover who we are that’s happening
right now we’re in nature we’re loving
it we got the birds on that tree the
birds over there we got the Sun over
there what more do you want
stay well infinite waters diving deep
[Music] you

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