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Ten Tips for Good Etiquette at the Gym

welcome to my name is
Tiffany and today we’re going to be
looking at something really fun it’s a
top ten gym at the kids to working out
so are we ready let’s go number 10 don’t
leave your weights lying around there’s
nothing more annoying when you’re
looking for a weight and you can’t find
it and also it could be dangerous
further people around like stumbling
upon weights and turning themselves we
don’t want that so put your weights back
it’s also an exercise of printing them
back number 9 share your equipment with
other people don’t hog them it’s fine
it’s the gym equipment is there for
everyone to you so be considerate of
other people number 8 tension seekers
out there we know you were there don’t
drop obeying your weights together
there’s no need for that this don’t do
it number seven dress appropriately
woman please don’t wear skimpy little
bras even if you call it a gym bra just
don’t okay the gym is a place to work
out it isn’t the beach and for men we’re
a t-shirt stay away from the
spaghetti-strap number six don’t grunt
no it’s not a zoo it’s a dim we don’t
need to hear aah aah every second we
just don’t please don’t grunt number
five for those for God’s soap and
deodorant exist use it there’s nothing
worse than walking by someone who do
don’t smell too good very unpleasant so
remember use it showers number four
during busy times don’t hog anything
there’s a lot of people everyone
everyone wants to use the equipment so
make sure that you don’t take lots of
dumbbells just take two at a time the
ones you need and then you’ll go back
and get the Edwin number three please
wipe your sweat off machines
specifically cardio machines there’s
nothing worse than when you’re using a
machine cardio equipment bicycle and
then you just realize you just touch
lots sweat it’s disgusting number two
don’t spot a person as I needed yourself
it’s very insulting to the person and
secondly the person doesn’t ask for it
just don’t number one Jim it gets to
remember no posing or voguing from the
mirror the gym is stare we used a mirror
to like see if you have good form but
nobody time going around and just
checking yourself out every two seconds
tim is to workout exercise be serious
don’t go around posing so all that being
said we hope you take these two hearts
because these are just a few suggestions
and trust me to go a long way okay so
thank you very much and we’ll see you
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