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Guide to Belly Dancing – Part 2: Styles featuring Mihaela Coman

when belly dancing started it wasn’t
actually a costume where you would show
your stomach it was more like a long
dress with layer over layer over layer
and then like a scarf that would show
your hip movement when you were doing
that was more the traditional belly
dancing but then as it became more
popular you have the cabaret kind of
dancing where you actually have a top
and then you show your stomach and you
have a long skirt you know big wide long
short and or some harem pants that’s
what you called the pants with a little
slit on the side for example this is
what I’m wearing it’s a costume made of
two pieces usually have some kind of
coins or belts to show the movement to
accentuate usually your skirts are made
of different panels this one is made of
a lot of panels but you have some that
are very tight where you don’t actually
move a lot and they don’t have slits
necessarily and then the top usually has
a lot of coins mine only has a little
bit here but there are some that are you
know very heavy and like it shows the
movement much more
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