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Summer Drinks – Fruit Smoothie

hi you’re watching I’m
your host Lauren and today I’m going to
be talking about summer drinks when the
temperatures get high you know you need
to hydrate yourself and what you choose
to hydrate yourself with depends on the
people that you’re with what you’re
doing and where you are so today I’m
going to be taking you through two of my
favorite summer drink smoothies and
chilled coffee and now as an example I’m
going to be showing you how to make a
smoothie now they’re really easy to make
and you can put basically any fruit that
you want in another benefit of the
summer months is that the ingredients
that you do putting your smoothies are
usually a little bit cheaper and they’re
a lot pressure which just makes your
smoothie face better so here I have
bananas and strawberries and a little
bit of mint some ice cream sugar and
milk very simple mints not something
that a lot of people put in but I
suggest trying it because it’s really
good start off by just throwing the
fruit in here are my vinna strawberries
the trick here is just to put a little
bit of the milk in the reason that I put
the milk in now just because it helps it
blends a little bit easier when you
first turn the blender on then you can
add your sugar and your ice cream and
then that’s basically i like to do after
that so let’s finish
I really know why there’s a two and
three on the blender they’ll just go the
same speed okay so here you can add the
mint just rip it up it doesn’t really
matter toss it in add sugar just one
scoop and then ice cream you’re lactose
intolerant like myself I suggest using
soy ice cream or even you can substitute
orange juice or soda water throw some
rum in if you feel like back and final
great and that’s really all you have to
do pour it in a glass and you’re done so
in summary smoothies took about three
minutes to make and it tastes delicious
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