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Save your Shoes with Kolor Rubbers

Oh shoes they’re not just meant for old
businessmen anymore hey guys welcome to I’m your host Ashley and
today we’re giving you an exclusive look
at color company’s latest edition color
rubbers how did you and your brother
come up with this idea yeah I was
actually in London I was out walking in
the street and it was really raining and
there was a lot of business people
around me we were in the financial
district over there and then I noticed
like all these guys had nice shoes on it
they were all getting wet and I’m 30
what makes color rubbers any different
than any other / shoe brand these ones
are more refined around the edges very
flexible very easy to put on it to take
off most of the other shoes that we
notice right now are very big very
clunky and they have no fashion sense
and who is color represented mostly for
people who are starting in the workforce
who want a little something a little bit
more fashion they’re available for both
men and for ladies can you tell us a
little bit about color uppers being
totally resistant to weather conditions
I wanted to make something resistant for
the water bottle for the winter
conditions it has extra attraction when
you walk so for ice or it’s on slippery
surfaces and like that so we made a very
special sole to make it grip anytime and
what colors are available this one comes
for women it’s a Paris pink we also have
this silverish blue this one the
chocolate brown is unisex as well as the
mandarin orange the canary yellow which
is one of the bestsellers we also have
the plum and then we have the basic
black color we also have some new
limited edition that we’re going to be
coming with like polka dot patterns
prints and tattoo prints on these which
are a little bit more eccentric and a
little bit more fashion-forward
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