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How to Parallel Park

parallel parking is arguably one of the
hardest things you will ever have to do
so practice practice practice hi I’m
Rebecca Brayton and welcome to and today we’ll be giving
you step-by-step instructions on how to
parallel park it is best to begin
practicing parallel parking with no
obstacles and then trying with plenty of
space between the cars eventually it
will become confident in your parallel
parking skills and be able to squeeze
into the tightest spots on the busiest
streets one of the most important tips
to parallel parking is to go slowly and
remember you can always adjust if
necessary always indicate which
direction you will be turning using your
signal if you are waiting for a space
that is not yet vacant wait behind the
spot while the person exiting leaves
when the space is empty pull up beside
the car located in front of your space
there should be about two feet between
your cars and the rear bumpers should be
even with the car in reverse back up
until your car’s back wheel is aligned
with the other cars for your bumper turn
the steering wheel as far as it will go
towards the curb continue backing slowly
into the space until your car has
reached about a 45 degree angle with the
curb immediately turn the wheel hard
away from the curb continue backing into
the space and turning the wheel away
from the curb making sure not to tap the
cars in front of and behind you
straighten out the wheel and pull back
and forward into the space as needed to
straighten out
you should be roughly six to eight
inches away from the curb when you are
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