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Stylish New Kolor Shoes

following the hot success of color
shades the gabby brothers decided to
start their new project color shoes and
now they’re finally here hey guys
welcome to I’m your host
Ashley and today is the chance Peter
lehanga Bay about color company’s new
hot fashion line so it can tell us a
little bit about color company color
company started in September 2007 we
actually started with color shades which
is our biggest success and basically how
we came up with color shades were just
to create a different type of sunglasses
which is very much retro recently you
and your brother invented color shoes
you tell us about that we wanted to come
up with something very Street where
urban like we wanted also to have
something very unique when people look
at them they remember them we did two
types of materials for these we did
synthetic and then we did leather as
well and then we did PVC inserts on
these high cops which are one of the
best sellers right now as you can see
none of them have any laces so they’re
all velcro do color shoes come in
different collections we started with
the low tops then we also created a high
top and they come as you can see here
these are some of the best sellers but
they come in different patterns
different variations and why do you
think colors uses any different than any
other sneaker company basically you just
have to look at them I mean there’s a
lot of nice shoe on the market but to be
competitive and to have something
completely different you have to do
something that’s actually going to stand
out the choice of our colors and the
types of materials we use is very
important so what’s next for color shoes
we’re gonna start creating another type
of shoe it’s a new design that we’re
working on right now we’re also going to
be building the ladies collection as
well thank you thank you
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