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Romantic Winter Date Ideas

welcome to
I’m your host Leila don’t let the chilly
air dampen your dating life with a
little creativity you can have an outing
like no other grab a hat and scarf and
start your day with an amorous escapade
in the snow snow itself is romantic
along with the crisp air rosy cheeks and
visions of hot chocolate winter is the
perfect time for snuggling snuggling and
skating go hand in hand especially for
those who aren’t so steady on the ice
take in the beautiful winter scenery
while enjoying other winter sports like
sledding snowmobiling or have a snowball
battle afterwards warm up and make up
with a pastry and a cup of coffee at
your local coffee shop for an evening of
romance consider taking your special
someone on a horse-drawn carriage ride
after a candlelit dinner
carriages offer a picturesque tour of
the town and a blanket so that the two
of you can cuddle and stay warm
if the ice temperatures keep you inside
here are some great ways to keep those
long winter days interesting all you
need is a chocolate bar some
marshmallows and a box of graham
crackers and you’ve got yourself a
simple yet memorable date that will warm
your taste buds start a fire and make
s’mores that you can enjoy with a cup of
hot chocolate to turn up the romantic
ambience turn off the lights so you can
enjoy the glow of the crackling fire if
you love movies escape the frosty
outdoors with a movie marathon grab your
favorite snacks and pillows and warm up
with big blankets
remember the mood you create will depend
heavily on the movies you choose so plan
accordingly all it takes to warm up a
chilly winter day or night is a little
bit of creative romance
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