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Debbie Travis is Not Guilty

reading a list of Debbie Travis’s
accomplishments would make anyone tired
TV show hosts book author public speaker
paint and color specialists as well as
the creator of an empire plus she’s a
wife and mother of two ever wonder how
she did it all hi I’m Rebecca Brayton
and welcome to and today
we’re speaking with the decorating guru
about her new book not guilty your book
is about how you cope with being a
mother and having a career and being a
businesswoman what is the significance
of the title not guilty not guilty is
really you know my view on you know
parents and I don’t think men have that
kind of not investiment whereas all moms
have this kind of guilty feeling of I’m
not getting it right or I didn’t make
the cookies rides I’ve written to
everybody I knew women come up with a
title and everybody was coming up with
you know supermom does this and all that
kind of stuff and a woman came up to me
on the beach from Idaho and she said I
have two teenage daughters and she said
up until a couple years ago they were
like beautiful little angels and
suddenly they turned into tyrants I
can’t do anything right they loathe me
and she said when I left my house
yesterday the screaming and the Tantrums
because I was taking three days for
myself and she said you know what I am
NOT GUILTY I’m going to enjoy this
holiday I was like it’s my title that’s
it not guilty so it’s really how I feel
how did you go from being you know a
home decor guru to writing a book about
parenting they have absolutely no right
to do this book I’m not a sight you know
child psychologist I’m not like marriage
counselor but I’m a survivor and I’ve
done what every mom’s done out there
I’ve struggled I’ve tried to bring up a
normal family if there is one and I’ve
tried to work all the way through it how
did this book come to be I read
something about mentoring I’ve done a
lot of public speaking and up until
about eight years ago I was always
talking about trends and the latest
color and you know
and then I was asked for the first time
to talk to a group of women in Winnipeg
and it was about 800 women they’re all
having breakfast I was talking to my
talk about so the woman said in charge
said just talk about your life so I did
and a woman in the audience stood up and
she said I have two small franchises
coffee shops and four children and I
would like to know how you get up in the
morning how do you get through your day
and then she burst into tears but then
the whole room burst into tears and I’m
like something’s going on here and then
about last January I was asked to mentor
three women of different ages going back
into the workforce and it became that it
was for the National Post and it became
quite a big story and I started getting
emails of women with amazing jobs women
working in factories mums at home like
texting we don’t know how to do it and
today it’s the bonding with other other
women that we seem to be cutting out of
our lives where you don’t not when
you’ve always got the kids around where
you can go for a glass of wine and say
you know I don’t think I can do this oh
don’t worry you’ll do it or you know I
feel exactly the same way thank you very
much thank you
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