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Pole Dance: A Sexy Workout

besides impressing the men the pole
dance workout is guaranteed to yield
results hi I’m Veronica with and today we’re learning
more about the benefits of this ultra
feminine workout so what is a pull dance
workout literally pole dancing is
literally that you dance with a pole
there are different types of pole
dancing obviously there’s a Roddick pole
dancing which is not what I choose to do
there are other places that do do that
since I’m a professional dancer first
and foremost and I’ve been certified and
pulled it’s been maybe five years now I
decided to incorporate more of a dance
feel to it and also more of a fitness
aspect to it because I was also
certified in pool fitness which is
something that’s completely different
now can anyone do this workout or do you
need to have special abilities it’s a
technique it’s like learning any other
when you cook it’s a technique still you
still need to learn how to do you know
how to cut properly how to do everything
like any other thing that’s basic like
sewing like you know playing a sports
there’s a technique involved you need to
be patient you may not get it the first
time you may not get it the second time
but anybody can try this and most of the
time I said good 90% of the women just
fall in love with it because they see
that it’s into really a different kind
of workouts can you take us through a
typical pole dance workout class I
always follow the music which I consider
to be a dancer way of doing it and so
we’re always on the music on the right
counts so we do need to stretch because
there are some moves that
you’re a little bit more flexibility
after that we’re gonna go into the pole
fitness aspect of it so we’ll do that
maybe a good 15 to 20 minutes of a whole
different kind of you know workout when
we work that for body work the ABS you
work the legs we work everything and
then that’s when we go into learning
whatever spins that need to be done if
you’re in a beginner class then you’re
mostly going to start with just spins
first and foremost then after that once
your body starts to be more developed
once your muscles begin to understand
what you’re doing to them do we start
doing things that require more strength
it might take a woman two sessions
before it goes click oh and then you
know she figures out how to use her
momentum and her balance and her weight
transfers and then all of a sudden she’s
spinning all over the place and it might
take somebody two weeks and when that
person finally understands and can let
go and let loose on the pole then they
progress faster and they can go to
different levels where will you notice
differences your biceps definitely your
biceps will your your lat
also back here because you you’re
pulling yourself up it’s like when you
go to the gym or we’ve seen people do
chin-ups you’re gonna start feeling it
definitely in your abs too because we do
a lot of core work and only be able to
find your balance and to work with the
pole counterbalance and all that stuff
what usually impresses people most about
this workout sometimes a lot of girls
they come in they’re like hi with a
friend and they’re like let’s try pole
dancing you know and then they realize
that the women who do this in actual
strip clubs they’re really good it is
not that easy and it’s not you know and
it’s not all about the eroticism of it
at all you know they have a good time
doing it and they’re proud of themselves
for actually being able to do a lot of
the things that they’ve seen on YouTube
that they’ve YouTubed all you know all
day going oh I want to do this and
they’re motivated once they do one spin
they just want to learn more and more
and more
because once you figure out what’s going
on and how it all works it’s addictive
it’s really addictive well thank you
very much my pleasure
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