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Learn How to Proctect Yourself From the Sun

skin protection is necessary all year
long hi welcome to I’m
your host Ashley and today I’m going to
find out my sun protection profile and
give you guys some safe son tips on how
to reduce skin damage so what is UV rays
we’re talking about Aragon the UVA and
the UVB the UVA is more common for aging
the skin the UVB is the more powerful
ray this is the Ray that cause also the
burn the Sun burns and it could cause
also skin cancer what is the UV index
exactly mean the UV index goes from zero
until time for example if the UV is at
eight today you’re gonna have to get
some protection at least at the FPS 30
what are the best methods to practice if
Sun very simple wear a hat sunglasses
and you also have to get the good cream
for your type of skin so can you tell us
a little bit about how the UV camera
works yeah we only take a picture we
have a better idea what is the damage
caused to your skin with the with all
the years let’s go try yeah first I have
to get the your skin type okay so you’re
very blonde no very dark can do you tan
well yes okay so I do you burn first no
you don’t bring purse okay so I’m going
to calibrate the machine
okay so this is calibrated now okay one
two three go voila and that’s over we’ll
get your result in about 45 seconds so
one minute we can see sun damage right
on the nose over here and and on the
cheek too near the lips it’s darker too
so we can see that the damage caused in
the past with the Sun so under 2
millimeter under your skin we can see
that this convince people at least to
wear a hat sunglasses and you also have
to get the good cream for your type of
skin the skin damage is there but you
can stop it with all this prevention
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