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Gold Medalist Bruny Surin Talks About Olympic Apparel

what is olympic winter brew tea sir hpc
have in common hi welcome to I’m your host Ashley and
today the chance to speak with Bruni
CERN about the new 2008 Olympic apparel
line she tell us a little bit about the
apparel line yes dear proline which I I
wear so proudly hpc I mean it’s it’s a
classic and plus the program they doing
to support the at least it’s not
everyday you going to see companies of
you try to help a person they want to
raise and total 20 minutes and all that
money to give back to the athletes so
every year they give grants to 200
athletes taking five thousand dollar to
every athlete across canada day they
invest and their facilities and
everything and I think they’re doing
they doing a great job money each
Olympics come around a different company
designs different apparel line why do
you think hpc is line this year is any
different than any others it’s a
evolution I mean now what I’m wearing
today the practical and the design of it
I mean it’s a one step one step forward
and I think it’s great the price is very
affordable and everybody can buy it are
you gonna be attending this year’s
beijing olympics there’s 75 percent
chance that i’ll uh i’ll be there with
with htpc i like to go there perfect
thank you so much for your time all
right thank you very much
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