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Learn About April Fools’ Day

hi welcome to i’m your
host melissa and today is April Fool’s
Day a day where practical jokes are
playing on the more gullible amongst us
behind one day get designated for such a
thing since there isn’t really a first
April Fool’s Day tracing its origins are
a little hard what very suggest it came
about with the change of accountant and
another says it’s because of celebration
of the change of the seasons now before
1582 New Year’s Day was celebrated for
eight days beginning on marsh places
with the adoption of the gregorian
calendar New Year’s Day was moved to
generate first however many say that
some people didn’t accept this or simply
didn’t know about it and continue to
celebrate New Years on April first so
people forget making fun of them and
sending them on fools errands this
practice spread throughout Europe and
eventually came to North America now the
only thing that’s left in question is
kind of belief
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