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Pygmy Seahorses | National Geographic

this is the pygmy seahorse a teensy two
centimeters long and so very well
camouflaged you have to look twice or
even three times to see it if you were
to go in search of the pygmy seahorse
you’d have to come here to the lem base
trait of North Sulawesi Indonesia you’d
put on your scuba gear and go in search
of the gar goñi in coral but it has
wrapped its tail around it’s also where
the pygmy seahorse will spend its life
the color of the fish matches the
gorgonian almost exactly and the bulbous
knob like thingies on the seahorses body
look very similar to the polyps of the
gorgonian the most fascinating ritual of
the pygmy seahorse is the way they greet
each other each dawn like an underwater
ballet the couple synchronizes their
moves this is a special dance called a
morning greeting and while pygmy
seahorses aren’t the only seahorses to
do this
they’re the tiniest not a bad way for
any couple to begin the day I’d say
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