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The Seven Sins in Movies

hey welcome to i’m your
host Maurice and today we’re talking
about the seven deadly sins now we’re
all familiar with the sin some a little
more than others but regardless of that
we can all think of a movie whose team
is based on one of the sins and believe
it or not not all movies are just for
entertainment some actually try to
convey a message to its audience so now
let’s take a look at the sins in action
pride pride is excessive belief in one’s
own abilities that interferes with the
individual recognition of the grace of
God it has been called the sin from
which all others arrives pride is also
known as vanity so where do we see pride
in the movies how about the devil’s
advocate John sees the ego and vanity of
his newest recruit Kevin by showering
him with wealth and John himself says
vanity definitely my favorites in the
most simple envy Envy is the desire for
others traits status abilities or
situation so almost every movie has some
nvm it but how about Snow White after
all the fairy tale is based on a jealous
queen who wants to get rid of her
stepdaughter snow white doesn’t get more
basically that wrath wrath is manifested
in the individual who spurns love and
ops instead for fury it’s also known as
anger in sensory we follow three stories
one of which focuses on the character of
Mark who seeks vengeance for the murder
of the woman he loves sloth sloth is the
avoidance of physical or spiritual work
a classic example comes from Arthur
Miller’s in Death of a Salesman now
Willy Loman is about to lose his job
can’t pay his bills and his sons don’t
respect them so he wonders what went
wrong and how he can fix this for his
family so what does he do he decides the
best solution is to kill himself but
really he takes the easy way out greed
greed is the desire for material wealth
or game ignoring the realm of the
spiritual wall street’s the obvious
example but how about Fargo after all
the clauses based on Jerry’s plan to
have two men kidnapped his wife so he
could collect ransom money he was a
wealthy father in law gluttony gluttony
is an inordinate desire to consume more
than that which one requires an
addiction in the movie blow George’s
family struggles to make ends meet
it makes a promise himself that he
wouldn’t end up with the same fate so he
starts his own marijuana operation is
very successful but when he hears about
cocaine he goes into that and tries the
bigger and better and while he does
succeed he ends up paying the price in
the end lust lust is an inordinate
craving for the pleasures of the body
everyone knows fatal attraction is a
prime example for lust that is happily
married man who gives in to the
temptation of the body and when his wife
and kids are away for the weekend he and
his colleague Alex decide to have a
little fun
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