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Interview with Hawthorne Heights

in their respective scene Hawthorne
Heights best known for their song ohio’s
for lovers but after their second album
debuted in 2006 and then made number
three on the Billboard Top 200 they
showed how much more they have to offer
hey welcome to watchmojo to check out
what they do today we got to talk to
Aaron at hawthorne
do you feel like your bands been overly
successful in the last year with your
exposure with Ohio is for lovers i would
say overly successful I mean we’re
definitely very appreciative of the
success we’ve had thus far but you know
if if we were to go even further that’d
be great if we can stay at this level
that’d be awesome as well do you get
tired of playing that song no because
every time we play it we get an amazing
crowd response so it doesn’t get boring
what bands are here today that you are
looking forward to seeing every day I
look forward to watching bayside are
good friends we’ve been through a lot
with them done a lot of Tours with them
and they blow me away every day still
remains is another band that’s great
their up and coming hey guys big fan of
warp tour absolutely this is our second
time doing it and before that you know
we come to it just as fans for years so
what’s the next step for your band then
creatively creatively we are what we’ve
just written our new record we have 23
new songs written for it and the next
step is to actually go into the studio
and record those do you contribute
lyrically to the songs of you guys play
no JT write all the lyrics musically we
all right each of the songs I don’t
think any one song has been written in
its entirety by any one member which is
pretty cool about our band where exactly
is Hawthorne Heights from what city or
from Dayton Ohio well I guess that would
make for a sign so so where exactly did
you get the name from the Hawthorne
Heights how’d you choose it’s something
that our bass player Matt came up with
it really holds no significant meaning
it’s something that we’ve thought
sounded cool and it didn’t really
pigeonhole us as any one particular type
of music so it gave us creative room too
go in whatever direction we please
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