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Interview with Your Favorite Enemies

everyone knows how important the
internets becoming for emerging artists
and no one knows that better than Alex
foster of your favorite enemies hey
welcome to base that
they’ve got going and more about the
tour as well so far are you guys having
a good time on the tour yeah it’s been
great it’s like a big circus basically
here at the dance warp tour is crazy all
the cool bands and you know but I think
what I really like about the tour is the
whole attitude you know the atmosphere
and everybody is cool with everybody and
you know there’s no like rock and roll
or whatever that’s so that’s
cool you know how long has your favorite
enemies been been around for so far i
think we had like different incarnations
we’ve been playing in different bands
for quite a long time all mixed up and
your favorite enemies like this lineup
has been together for two years and a
half now we we have to finish the album
we started the album producing the the
fellahin album with producer Steve
Thompson any work with Metallica and a
few other small bands like that so he
wrote probably the smallest band he
worked with and I’m just kidding and so
we got to finish the album and then
after that we’re going back to Europe
and then we were supposed to tour in
Asia as well for last year we started
quite nail Leo Nam on myspace we got
organized but even before starting
everything for us we say well what we
really want to do is every single person
who’s going to write us a message so
we’re going to take time to answer them
so in a year later I mean that’s that’s
full-time commitment believe me and
that’s how we have like so many
communities all around the world we have
like Japanese communities now they’re
they’re translating everything in their
own language in German and French so
there’s a lot of things going on so it’s
all about keeping yourself busy I guess
so musically who would you say that your
van looks up to oh man that’s a good
that’s a good question I mean probably a
little bit of Celine Dion mixed with
I don’t know Maria Carey and old-school
Whitney Houston probably yeah
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