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Interview With Fight Fair

this band hails from California and
their pop punk sound is a testament to
their roots
hi I’m Rebecca Brayton and welcome to we got the chance to check
out Warped Tour and speak with fight
fair my name is Alex I’m the singer and
fight fair and I love to surf me about
your pop rocks video and what the
experience is like shooting that old 60s
surf movies we wanted to do that again
so it’s all like us dancing it
old-school short shorts and it’s pretty
goofy video but it was really fun do you
remember any of the dance moves from it
would you be able to give us an idea of
how fight fair originated the original
members we all met at the dormitories in
San Diego State University in California
and we’re all in bands from back home we
didn’t know each other but somehow we
met outside and we decided to start the
band name to fight fair we started off
as more of like a screamo type zone and
that eventually progressed into more pop
punk type sound and then our new record
which just came out a few weeks ago
that’s called California kicks it’s like
a surf Punk record now we were started
by like five years ago so we’ve had like
20 different members I’m only I’m one of
the only original members and so it’s
changed a lot but it’s still like the
same fight there
you have a song called California Gurls
I really what makes a California girl to
you other than living there obviously
there’s stereo typical California girl
she loves to go to the beach she
probably has blonde hair maybe probably
tan likes to say fake go to the gym
loves a party and stuff like that so
that’s that’s why
Calabar go
now you sing a lot about your home state
I mean what sort of influence to do say
it would have ovary music compared to a
band or lives like in the Midwest or
East Coasters plight not a lot to do my
friends like you love going to the beach
we go surfing good a lot of shows also
like we want to show people our friend
our group of friends likes to do and
bring it to them tell me kind of about
the camaraderie on tour and kind of the
vibe and how this kind of differs from a
regular tour for you it’s a lot of fun
like we came in and learning a lot of
people but every day I meet someone new
for a new band or a new organization
that’s on the tour so we’re making a lot
of new friends and I know I knew what I
was getting into coming to work the ways
this has been a lot cooler what if I
well thank you very much it’s pleasure
thank you
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