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Interview Tips – Part 5

so let’s take a look at Christina and
what she’s wearing for the interview she
actually looks very professional like I
said before wearing a suit is usually
what’s appropriate for an interview also
the caller’s it’s always a safer choice
to keep a conservative collar navy black
or in this case she’s wearing a gray
blazer also she’s wearing the shoes
which are perfect for her attire they’re
not for casual they look formal and
professional another thing I wanted to
mention was her makeup she is wearing
the exact perfect amount of makeup you
don’t want to look too made up or come
on it’s too strong you want to have a
casual and subtle look remember there’s
no need to spend a fortune to look
professional just pay attention to the
details and it should make a good
impression a good rule of thumb is it’s
better to look too formal than too
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