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Inside Look at F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin

hello again everyone this is Chris with though I have a luck of
being joined today with the Associate
Producer for fear to his name is Eric’s
tutor and he’s going to be talking about
a little bit about this upcoming game so
thank you very much for joining me of
course it’s butter so so what’s what’s
going on what’s this morning in fear to
what can you tell us about the skin so
this is a game that’s about three years
in the making now it’s the sequel to the
2005 game fear this time out you play as
Michael Beckett he’s a member about
Special Forces Squadron sent to retrieve
the president of army camp technology
corporation which fans of the first game
will recognize as the the creators of
Alma one of the hallmarks of the
original fear was the incredible AI I
know you guys really got a lot of praise
for that and you guys brought anything
new to the table in terms of that the
enemy AI we were consistently constantly
enhancing try to make better try to make
it more aware of its environment some of
the things that you’re going to see this
time are there going to be objects in
the world that they can flip over and
use as cover you can set them on fire
and they’re aware of that if they see
water they’re going to run to the water
to try to put themselves out if they
survive it they’re going to get up there
going to find another weapon it start
attacking you again if you are a bit of
a turtle someone who just kind of praise
to the environment very slowly they’re
going to be a lot more aggressive
they’re going to come at you they’re
going to try to flush you out but if you
go running into this space they’re going
to try to flank you they’re going to get
around you and they’re going to try to
take advantage of your blind spots as
you brush blindly through the world the
way we like to describe it is it’s kind
of a sandbox combat space you kind of
know where the enemies are coming from
but because they react differently every
time you play the game the experience is
different every time you guys have been
working on fear 24 for quite some time
now what sort of challenges did you face
when making this specific game one of
the things that we got a lot of comments
on from fear was that the spaces over
time tended to get a bit repetitive
always just to see if cubicles no matter
where you’re going so when the
developers when model is sat down to
start working on this game the
first thing that they did is they wanted
to create a varied space with more
variety so you’re not going to just see
nothing but office building this time
and we wanted to create a space that was
more visually interesting and try to get
the players constantly wondering where
we’re going to take them next
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