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How Does Facial Recognition Software Work?

hey I’m your host Leila if you like
discussing technology crime and safety
or if you simply want to know how police
detect criminals then check out a facial
recognition software works based on what
we at WatchMojo found out for ourselves
one of the ways to use a computer
application to help identify a person is
by asking a witness to select facial
features from an image database like
face software when a portrait painter
for security agency meets victims and
witnesses of criminal acts she presents
them with a series of real photographs –
faces these pictures have been cut up
into five pieces the eyes the nose the
mouth the jaw and the top of the head
and face which include the forehead the
hair and the ears there are hundreds of
samples for each part of the face from
this gallery the witness chooses the
features most similar to those of the
suspect next the agent assembles the
data and transfers the picture to
Photoshop using a magnetic pen on a
graphic diagram board the agent also an
artist modifies the face according to
the witness’s instructions facial
recognition software is not 100%
accurate and is especially ineffective
when aggressors wear sunglasses
accessories are disguise ‘men but it has
proven to be a helpful security options
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