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Bats by Night | Wild Detectives

this time we’re gonna investigate some
very mysterious creatures of the night
bats now some people think of the mists
but usually you’re just misunderstood
we’re gonna lift the curtain of darkness
on some of the most amazing animals on
the planet bats are the only mammals
that have figured out how to fly without
using say an airplane or a helicopter or
a hot-air balloon
they probably evolved from something
like this mouse opossum and he kind of
likes to move around at night what we’re
limbs eventually became wings allowing
them to hunt throughout the forest but
you know it’s tough finding food in the
dark I know I tried so to operate in the
dark bats had to develop some very
sophisticated equipment many of them
emit super high-frequency sound but you
and I can’t hear them
the sounds bounce off objects and echo
back to the back so he can tell where
things are cool huh some bats use this
radar along with their sense of smell to
zero in on fruit
and the infamous vampire bats
uses it to search for blood there are
over 900 species of bats that makes them
one of the most diverse groups of
mammals in the world it can be difficult
for us detectives to investigate bats
because they live in the dark and they
move fast
whoa there goes some now detectives have
developed all sorts of cool cameras and
spy equipment so they can monitor bass
day and night we need to keep an eye on
bats because you know they’re really
important to the environment for example
some flowers only bloom at night and
bats pollinate them when they drink
their nectar other bats go for fruit
this group right here
is having a big fest you gotta have a
lot of things to feed this crowd these
vampire bats often feed on livestock but
their bite is so slight that those
animal probably doesn’t even feel it
still others eat insects these bats live
on the forest floor
and use their big ears to listen for
rustling of ktpitts
it’s sort of like having a big satellite
dish on your head
so you see bats really aren’t all that
scary they’re mostly interesting and
come on admit it
some of them are even cute
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