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Gym Workouts: Front Raise

hi now for the next movement what I’m
going to be showing you is a front raise
the front raises for the anterior delt
in front right here so first thing you
want to do is put your feet waste site
that’s it perfectly like that you’re
going to bring your shoulders back and
down looking forward feet aligned now
whatever you’re going to do is you’re
going to tighten up your abs also and
also very important she’s going to
tighten up your gluteus maximus to
prevent her from swinging forward and
backward what you’re going to do
basically is going to put the weights in
front of you and you’re going to raise
them up with your elbows slightly bent
and you’re going to go up till shoulder
height there you go when you’re going to
come up you’re going to exhale and
you’re going to inhale down inhale
exhale inhale and exhale now she’s doing
the movement perfectly but some people
might swim sometimes because the way it
is too heavy so as they’re swinging it
up their body actually pivots backwards
this is something you might want to
avoid a good thing is once you’ve got
the do’s and the don’t down what you
want to do is maybe change it make it
more interesting what you could do is
actually reverse your palms there you go
and now what we have is a totally
different exercise we’re still doing
anterior delt but now we’re focusing a
little bit on the biceps make sure you
extra tight those abs in those glutes
maximus so this is actually perfect
another thing she could do is actually
have fun with the weights just put them
semi supinated what happens is that
another muscle group gets in the way
which is a little bit the form actually
so brachialis the brachioradialis gets a
little bit in a way not much but it’s
mostly the anterior delt still and this
is how you do a front raise
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