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Career: Opera Singer

my name is Emily Lake up and I’m just
getting ready for a show here uh what I
want to do is I really want to be an
opera singer so right now I met you come
with the a today to look at LA and we’re
preparing for a show that will be
tonight and right now this is a Rhema my
makeup artist and she’s uh she’s doing
my makeup for me I’m very excited so
this is the final exam let’s say it’s
just like a bit hectic to sort of do the
dress rehearsal in the same day as the
show in five years hopefully I’ll be
I’ll be singing an opera professionally
and and hopefully in 10 years I want to
be at the Met absolutely so that’s like
2017 the med this is the warmup room so
i’m going to show you some warm-ups that
I do
that’s a warm up I’m ready to go on
so you’ve seen me get my makeup done and
you see me warm up and you’ve seen my
dress rehearsal so now it’s ready for
the show
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