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Bacon Drink Recipes: Bloody Caesar, Bacon Bourbon, Hawaiian Sling

sup guys and RAM nothing WatchMojo max
let’s do it
playtime is over I think we should do
something a little different today no
more history or history no more quizzes
no more international anything like that
stuff done let’s do something a little
different let’s use an ingredient that
everybody loves what is it bacon oh look
at that bacon fat magical magical stuff
right there I think at Birth we’re
making for all the Americans out there
Brad what is a bloody Caesar I’m glad
you asked a bloody Caesar is actually
celery salt vodka worst Shire sauce
Tabasco Clamato juice and a lemon slice
so this is our classic caesar and then
we’re gonna put our special bacon twist
on it let’s make this bacon bloody
Caesar all right so our first step shown
you rim your glass lemon or lime up to
you I like mine better it said a regular
celery salt we have bacon bits and sell
yourself extra generous a qualm looks
throw the lemon in there fill your glass
with nice got werster’s your sauce what
is it we’re sure sure sure okay so he’s
changing Isla Pina Tabasco sauce and now
now you can infuse your vodka with bacon
but we’re gonna use regular vodka four
to four right now and we’ll show you a
little infused alcohol later I actually
can’t wait for that drink later it’s any
delicious we add our Clamato now we have
a little garnish graham so we’re gonna
take our tortilla chip here we’re not a
little bit of cilantro and sour cream
I’m gonna take our speared tomato I’m
gonna drop it right in there like that
and then of course the Fiesta
resistances from bacon strip Oh does
that look good
okay so our first baking drinks done
let’s start getting into infused
alcohols now sounds delicious does my
dad over to the bacon station well like
right over here like right over here
come on over guys do we have some
freshly cooked bacon which looks
delicious actually Applewood bacon which
is much better than regular bacon have
the best part the bacon fat right we’re
gonna strain out this bacon fat into our
mason jar
I feel how thick it is we’re gonna take
our Jim Beam bourbon we’re gonna add
about two and a half ounces that’s all
right that’s good we’re gonna cover our
mason jar and we’re gonna pop it into
the freezer why did I open in the
freezer for the apartment of the freezer
until we see the fat separate from the
Jim Beam this is very key when you’re
infusing alcohols thank you okay so
we’re back we infuse our Jim Beam with
bacon we’re ready to separate you can
actually see now looks pretty gross but
the probably tastes delicious
so we’re gonna strain it back out into
our other mason jar here we’re gonna do
about an ounce and a half of it I think
it’s time we head on over to the
cocktail thing so yeah let’s go so
Justin’s gonna show you how to make this
drink shaker full with ice we got an
ounce and a half of bacon infused Jim
Beam for deliciousness yeah or a heart
attack in a glass whichever you want a
half an ounce of Cointreau a few dashes
of bitters half an ounce of maple syrup
fresh lemon juice for those of you
following at home I think we’ll call
this drink the bacon breakfast fizz I’d
rather that than bacon fat yeah
I’m not so sure about that shake I don’t
I feel like that was like I was a
show-off shake and I’m showing the
people at home what I got to do it over
there by the way thanks man pour over
ice as for the scheme of the day a nice
piece of bacon extra fatty extra fatty
you ever thought it would be like to
drink a Hawaiian pizza no I haven’t no
no okay those of you that would like to
know what a Hawaiian pizza tastes like
we’re gonna make you something called
the Hawaiian sling why don’t we just
call it the bacon sling okay Jason we
have our Jim Beam bacon infused alcohol
for about an ounce and a half in there
we are gonna take some fresh pineapple
four to five pieces enough fresh lime
juice sure you get that all in there
we’re gonna take about half an ounce of
simple syrup again which is sugar and
Justin is ever nice so nice to pick me
some mint we’re gonna muddle all the
ingredients together so make sure that
all that pineapple juice and mint and
simple syrup and Jim Beam or mix up
once you got a good mix in there of
course amazing and you don’t have to
shake like that just no need for it
don’t hate the player gonna strain into
a highball those with ice
bacon bacon and let’s throw a couple
pineapples in there and there you have
your bacon slink bacon sleep next week
we shove a camel and a pig and strain
into a martini glass no no no we don’t
see you next time let’s take a little
trip over our bacon station no way I’m
not loving
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