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Entrepreneur Ideas – Webinar – (8 of 10) Getting Past Survival – 12 Rules for Startup Success

and Steve Jobs believe that things will
work out follow your intuition and
curiosity trust your heart even when it
leads you off the wild worn path you
have to trust the dots will somehow
connect in your future I really like
this one and it’s it’s hard and scary
and bold to do things when you’re not
sure if it’s going to work out and when
people are doubting you and you don’t
have a support network around you but if
you really believe that what you’re
doing is right and and you’re helping
people when you’re seeing that even
early results then go to yourself to
keep on doing it and take go one more
day each time go one more day number 12
give it your very best and I like this
picture because there’s always work a
hundred percent but then it breaks down
how much you’re working every day and
what you need to do if you’re an
entrepreneur you owe it to yourself to
really give it your all I think a big
challenge a lot of entrepreneurs faces
they don’t really give it a hundred
percent you know they on some days they
mind a lot of days you know they might
slack off a little bit they might be
hanging out on Facebook or whatever it
is they don’t really give it a hundred
percent and a lot of those times those
companies fail and what they then come
back couple years later they really
regret it right there now backing their
corporate jobs that they don’t like and
they really wish they had given it their
all and I don’t want you to end up and
said that situation I don’t want you to
I don’t want to say coasting I know you
guys are working hard but I want to make
sure you’re giving it everything you got
if for whatever reason the business does
fail I don’t want you to think in two
years I know what I really wished I did
it differently I really wish I gave it
my all because it is a very common
challenge and you want to live with that
regret for the rest of your life you
want to make sure you’re giving it as
much as you can put it on the table your
odds of success will go up dramatically
but even if it doesn’t work you have
doing something else
you will be able to live with the fact
that you left it all on the table that
day now you put it all out there and if
it works that’s great doesn’t work you
don’t have any regrets you don’t want to
live the rest of your life with regrets
is he sharp is it or sharp from four
seasons hotel whatever you do don’t ever
use a crutch and don’t ever think of
having excuse for not having said yeah I
did my best you got to do your best one
more mr. Trump I was relentless even in
the face of total lack of encouragement
because more often than you think sheer
persistence is the difference between
success and failure so even just taking
one more day one more day one more day
even if people are not giving you the
feedback that you want believe in what
you’re doing know that you can help a
lot of people and give it 100 percent as
one GC can every day and the last one is
the bonus one I don’t quit and you
constantly you’ll find the successful
entrepreneurs all went through really
dark periods of wanting to quit but they
didn’t like times were so dark you know
they may have lost a house or whatever
it is there’s a million reasons to leave
their business but they didn’t do it and
he came out on the other side and the
dirty little secret about
entrepreneurship is everybody everybody
at some point thinks about giving up
nobody is ever going to talk about it is
when you go talk to entrepreneurs yeah
things are great we just landed you know
whoever as a customer and we just hired
our first person you’re always talking
about the good things you don’t ever go
up to somebody and say you know what i
think i’m going to close down this
business I can’t take it anymore
and it’s such a common theme among
entrepreneurs that everybody will have
to go through it multiple times often
throughout their career so you got to
work your way through it you know and
again I go back to that first goal is
this something really passionate about
that’s going to help get you through
these really dark times again if you’re
not really excited about if you’re just
doing something to try to make a lot of
money you’re probably not now you’re
gonna quit because you don’t have enough
core passion for what you’re doing to
want to get through those humps making
money just isn’t enough of a motivator
when you see all the challenges that are
ahead of you very often it’s got to be
something that you love doing and you
really want to help people and you see
that passion coming through so again
everybody’s gone through these really
dark times and looking at famous
entrepreneurs and also connecting with
other entrepreneurs who are local or
online and and just sharing you know
what you’re up to and getting their
positive feedback in our forms we have a
section where people are sharing their
goals and we’ll talk about a potential
option later on today to be able to
connect with each other as well but i
find this essential if I think about my
mastermind groups here it’s happening
number times a year with the different
members will come up saying you know
maybe maybe I shouldn’t do this anymore
and they get the encouragement from the
other members and then next month
they’re there rocking and rolling again
and it’s going to happen so it’s getting
through those dark times and coming out
on the other side don’t quit a mariette
founder of the merit hotels successful
people keep moving they make mistakes
but they never quit and then chip
Hawkins from EA Sports one quality of
entrepreneurship is just persistence not
giving up because you have roadblocks
and also not giving in because other
people tell you that you’re nuts you are
nuts and you should be proud of it stick
with what you believe in and that can
also help you get through you know the
hard time reading successful
entrepreneurs if these guys you look up
to or finding your own group of famous
entrepreneurs you look up to I’m reading
their words of advice enough story and
help it
through those dark times now this is a
guy for me a sports huge company and
people told the new is nuts and that’s
gonna happen but he didn’t give up you
didn’t quit you kept taking steps every
day to move that business story now what
I wanted to go through this checking the
time good and still got some good time
here creating your pitch this is so
important and you want to do this any
time somebody asks you what you do you
have an opportunity to either win
business either from them or from a
potential referral from them if people
can clearly understand what you do and
what makes you different it’s easy for
them to understand if they could use
your services or if they can give
somebody to you and I believe that
people want to try to help each other
out and I find that when somebody tells
me what they do I’m often thinking okay
could I use this person or do I know
somebody who could use this person
trying to help that person out so all
starts with creating a good pitch most
of the emails that I get or you know
when I’m talking to somebody in person
they either don’t tell me really what
they do and how they’re different or
they tell it in such a long you know
huge paragraph or their meeting them it
takes five minutes to get out there
pitch where that time people are
interested anymore so you have to be
able to quickly get to them to the core
message and so I’m going to work through
this with you guys and we’re both do it
quickly here and then hopefully you guys
can take the next little bit offline and
go through it and create your own pitch
on your own I love this picture too
unless my limit for sale cheap I ask a
great pitch and so I wanted to share
that find a way to put that picture in
to the slides too sometimes
okay so step one who do you help so you
want to clear the fine the type of
company or person that you have and
there’s a number of different ways to do
it I showed a couple of examples here so
it could be the industry it could be
their location if you are location
centric or not how big they are how many
employees they have what stage of growth
there at what kind of demographics
there’s a lot of different ways to slice
up the customers but you don’t want to
be the person who sells to everybody
right that’s not a recipe for success
you gotta you gotta me shout your market
to start with and then if that hits a
big then you can start expanding from
there but your success will come from
having strong niche so knowing from the
beginning who do you help and you may
know it but I almost never get people
writing to me to say who they help is
part of the pitch so you want to
definitely think about it and put it in
the next thing quickly with this is you
can also provide examples so if you’re
brand new then you may not be able to
say anything but if you do have some
customers especially somebody that
somebody might recognize a name you can
say we help these kinds of companies
like and then give one or two teams
means that you have helped so that
seemed you know add to the pitch and
again also make easy to understand who
it is you’re going active okay so this
is this is the exercise fill in the
blank you know I help these type of
people and then like that be company
name and and companies the companies are
optional but you definitely want to have
the who your help as that first blank
it’s up to what’s your frustration a lot
of entrepreneurs they’re just talking
about what they do but your client so
they want to hear how you can help them
all right so you want to focus it around
problems that they’re facing so you’re
not a real estate agent here we sell
people’s homes your nautical in design
you make people look good tie it into
your customer and the challenges that
they’re facing and whatever frustration
are going through right now you could
tie it into a pain point then you’re
much more likely to get a decision fast
that people want to heal their paints so
you want to tie your marketing message
around the frustrations of their food
so think about whatever customer you
have you know what are they doing that
makes them bite their computer like this
woman right what gets them so frustrated
and how can you tie that into your your
marketing message to them and at the end
I’ll give you an example to of what I do
so maybe give you a little bit of good
guidelines as well moving forward so
here the biggest frustration I help my
clients solve is right this is huge
because when you’re presenting a
somebody somebody emails me and says I
help these type of people and the
biggest frustration I help them solve is
this that gets me thinking right if I
may not be able to i may not have that
frustration but i may know somebody who
does and just by you telling me that i
can easily pass them on so whatever
business you’re in you probably have a
lot of competitors right if you’re a
real estate agent or if you are your
network marketing or you have a t-shirt
company or whatever it is this is a
million guys out there doing the exact
same thing as you so why would I pass
somebody on to you versus somebody else
where I may also know right so the
difference is going to be specifically
explaining to me who you target and how
you help what frustrations you solve
that gets me thinking and it also lets
me give you more qualified prospects I
know exactly what you’re looking for and
how you help this alone will solve a lot
of your challenges what I want to take
it a step further next what relief do
you offer so what do you do that’s
different or that’s better than
everybody else as much as you can you
can tie that into your passion again in
your story we talked about the first
rule from this slide was about them be
different and be you pile it into your
message the type of relief that you can
offer then again you’re making it
believable right so if you say well I
help you know high net worth individuals
XYZ whatever you need them to do there’s
a lot of people again you may have
similar messaging what if you could tie
it into why you’re unique and why you
started the business and how passionate
you are about it it makes it more
believable so you want to mention the
step three the relief you offer so fill
in the blank is your exercise to relief
i offer my clients is and usually it’s
it’s it’s related to the pain right the
frustration of the pain they have
the opposite how do you actually go
about solving that frustration or peanut
they have
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