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Another Top 10 Video Game Logics That Don’t Make Sense

once more it’s time to ask the eternal
question huh can you help me please save
them oh I’m gonna get fired for this
welcome to and she’ll be
counting down our picks for another top
ten pieces of video game logic that
don’t make sense if you have information
about a threat to national security you
got to tell us but this list were
examining more tropes and cliches of
gaming that seemed to exist without
reasonable explanation contradicting
conventional logic and raising eyebrows
in some fashion from simple matters of
gravity to mechanics that never seem to
go out of style these recurring trends
have certainly gotten our attention if
only because they puzzle and confound us
okay it’s jump define course
Marga that’d be number 10 didn’t I just
kill you as far back as gaming’s
earliest days the threats of enemies
respawning the second you leave the room
have been a constant sometimes players
are really faced with a finite but
overwhelming number of foes attacking in
waves other times it’s an unending
barrage that only ceases when the player
dies everyone who’s played Castlevania
will know that sometimes you get just
too close to the edge and all of a
sudden you’re in the other room and all
those enemies you just spent all that
time killing are back interesting
no matter the exact form though it’s
hard to justify why we’re doing battle
with unyielding borderline supernatural
adversaries in a great deal of games
number 9 rich wildlife
don’t fret about finances the great
outdoors have got you covered
known as the money spider trope this
entails animals and monsters somehow
carrying money or other treasure for
players to claim in combat as far back
as the earliest role-playing games gold
and other riches could be looted from
the corpses of deadly beasts perhaps the
thinking is that some of these creatures
consumed wealthy humans and thus are
accidental inheritors of that wealth but
that’s quite a stretch for a lot of
reasons the bard having slain the random
wolf found that it had adjusted not only
the contents of a small Treasury but
also various household goods number 8
what’s with all the lint or chah’s maybe
ancient locales have regular cleaning
staff thousands of years after the
fallout their creators hey be careful
this place is crawling with dark force
users games such as Tomb Raider for all
their merit tend to avoid answering the
question of why long abandoned tombs are
still lit with candles and torches in
certain cases it can be chalked up to
implying her inhabitants but more often
than not this is an unexplained
circumstance that wouldn’t be that hard
to contextualise
magically imbue fire a secret tribe a
sign of other travelers passing through
there are a lot of possibilities to
consider but so little time
number seven the double jump and gravity
thou art a fickle and malleable entity
at least that’s the impression that
gaming gives off when it grants players
the power to make an additional jump
while they’re airborne while certainly
versatile and engaging it also has the
consequence of calling into doubt any
games supposed adherence to the laws of
reality games featuring midair dashing
or trajectory changing abilities such as
Star Wars The Force Unleashed only
exasperate the matter by implicitly
relying on magic or vaguely defined
energy sources science can’t help you
number six fix fire with fire
when in doubt apply flames or smack with
a heavy tool those tuned into
multiplayer oriented games may have
noticed that when vehicles are set
ablaze they can be restored to normal
with the use of a blowtorch or similar
device then there’s the case where
players can fix gravely damaged objects
by hitting them enough with a wrench
what’s even more bizarre though is that
some of these tools can double his
weapons with little if any change in the
animation number 5 smoke inhalation
what’s that video games can be
fantastical and stretch reality to its
limits there’s definitely no question of
that yeah it’s always a bit unusual when
in games certain characters must flee
from burning structures they’re not
impeded or even negatively effected by
smoke dialogue in scripted sequences may
make reference to their predicament
throwing in a cough or a gasp but in
regards to gameplay no effort is made to
simulate the experience you’ll move
Jacob my dear here’s a golden
opportunity to grasp that mantle of
realism but if you have tried their hand
at it
number four magic magazines
we never guessed that the military
forces in gaming had a mastery of such
wizardry and Wonder in all seriousness
this wasteful habit of tossing aside
partially used magazines while reloading
is weird enough before one realizes that
they don’t lose any bullets throughout
this process and yet it’s accepted as
the norm by virtually every single
first-person shooter regardless of
overall quality or attention to detail
whether a game aims for pseudo realism
or more stylized action it’s almost
guaranteed to feature waste-free gun
reloading without raising a single
eyebrow number three time heals all
wounds popularized in the 2000s by
series such as Halo and Call of Duty
regenerating health has become an
industry trend that has long since
transcended specific franchises or even
from a design standpoint it makes a
certain amount of sense developers want
their games to be tightly paced and back
tracking for healing items might impede
progress but making game heroes and
heroines regain health over time has the
effect of threatening suspension of
how can one buy into a game purporting
to be realistic or reality adjacent when
characters magically recover from brutal
injury by simply waiting five seconds
come on come on we’re getting out number
bikini armor I think I’m missing a few
pieces here now this one is strange you
got to admit more than a few games
feature character customization and
player chosen armament with a strange
correlation forming between the amount
of skin covered and potential defense
against attack city soon I used to be an
adventurer like you however with regards
to female characters there was a trend
of skimpier costumes equaling greater
resistance to damage or access to useful
attributes setting aside that this
defines the entire purpose of armor it
also plays into a greater phenomenon a
fanservice being the primary or only
reason for a given character’s design
it’s not to say that all these
characters are bad or just there for
boobs but you know this has caused some
heated arguments I would be grateful but
I have something that keeps swords from
going through my vital organs before we
unveil our topic here are a few
honorable mentions
number one one-man-army syndrome
whoever said chivalry was dead it’s no
secret that grand-scale games where
massive armies clash can be taxing on
whatever hardware their inhabit hence
why somebody Huddle’s choose to keep
battles kind of close and personal I
said an intruder m1 one guy one guy has
been killing you all by the hundreds
however such restrictions can get
ridiculous at times for example in
Assassin’s Creed it’s fairly common for
a crowd of guards to attack the player
at one time conventional wisdom suggests
that an army can and should overwhelm
singular foes yet enemies and gaming
choose to instead divide up and wait for
their turn to fight will never quite
understand this one
I have heard reports that you useless
morons have been attacking one at a time
why just everybody get him at once do
you agree with our list this is so not
cool what logic in video games doesn’t
make sense to you for more reflective
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I like those types of areas fun easy and
a prize at the end
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