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Marijuana Is Messing With Me – Here’s Why

Pisan finit waters to hiving deep once
we’re out here breathing in that good
ass prana baby
the Sun has gone down we got a question
in about marijuana someone she has been
smoking it about three or four times and
now she is sad all of a sudden she’s
been getting a lot of panic attacks
anxiety her relationship has ended we
even had breakfast yet can I get a Hello
she wanted to know what should she do I
made a viral video a while ago called
what marijuana does to your body in mind
let me share with you a little insight
you see there are scientific studies
which show how marijuana can prevent
cancer can cure cancer can help people
with epilepsy the THC the cannabinoids
can prevent cancer so there are so many
benefits that cannabis has marijuana has
and that’s why a lot of shamans ancient
shamans used to smoke it and still do
because a lot of people who smoked a lot
of marijuana have access to different
dimensions they start getting downloads
I don’t smoke marijuana but I know a lot
of people who do and a good friend we
were just gathering in a circle they
were passing around getting faded
let’s get faded and it was just
beautiful we felt at one now his the
tricky part I got a story for you I took
to weep cookies once to weed cookies and
I didn’t know how much stuff was in
there I was faded like faded I was
trying to drive out to pull over I went
to the hospital wasn’t a good look
I wasn’t ready for that experience and
then I found out you’re only supposed to
take one piece but once again I was
naive because I didn’t really do my
homework so in marijuana
you’ve got to realize why you smoking it
you see a lot of people want to smoke it
they want to look cool I get it but once
again if you’re getting anxiety and
panic attacks at 3 a.m. waking up the
cat down the road that’s not cool
I say do your research you see there are
a lot of pros for marijuana but there is
also a side which a lot of people don’t
speak about you got Robert power a
genetic psychiatrist from King’s College
London who shows a link between
marijuana and schizophrenia now what do
I think of that as a psychologist you
see for everyone is going to be
different because you may not be ready
to have that trip you see a lot of times
you got to be in the right environment
to get faded you’re not in the right
environment to get faded it’s going to
turn out really not so good because
you’re going to be like at work and
you’re gonna be like okay so also you
got to ask yourself why am I doing this
am I happy doing this and realize you
don’t have to smoke to be cool to look
cool no you can be yourself but once
again realize this secret that you
don’t have to listen to anybody telling
you what to do what not to do gotta
listen to yourself
and you’ve got to do what works for you
if you’re getting a lot of anxiety then
it’s time to put it down maybe go back
to getting faded maybe later on but
listen to yourself do your research and
also realize that it’s all connected
sometimes we think oh the marijuana is
causing me to have these thoughts or
maybe it’s just us
and we’re using the marijuana to hide
there mmm
slow motion that side mmm I’m a
beautiful day breathing in that good
astana baby
infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy peace

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