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Winning Interviews From Both Sides of the Desk | Lee Coleman | TEDxLoyolaMarymountUniversity

I’ve told my 23 year old son one thing
over 2500 tops that’s on the block and
that one thing is control your own
destiny and control your own destiny in
your personal life and your professional
life because it means so much to you if
you don’t control your own destiny
somebody else is controlling your
destiny that means you’re clearly out of
control and nobody should be out of
control you must control your own this
thing and there’s a point where
controlling your own destiny intersects
our lives that’s probably what I feel
personally is the most important time
and that is when you interview when you
interview it’s that special time when
you have to put yourself out there as an
employer you’re trying to find the best
person to work with your team’s make
sure the right person and ask the
interviewee you have to get the job
think about it you get the job you did a
great job you prepare yourself in a
professional career you make more money
you create more happiness for your
family everything happens it’s at one
time internally your own destiny means
so much so for employers employees it’s
all important and I created this
interviewing questioning technique over
time that my time ibaka and in the last
six years I interviewed over 850 pause
because some of the smartest kids now
I’m here at USC UCLA and Pepperdine and
I put them all through this and it
wasn’t easy in fact it was frustrating I
know my questions are frustrating
they’re not hard questions but they’re
frustrating questions I don’t know the
answers it’s even more frustrating and
you get really mad and people would cry
and they give you the dagger eyes and
then we do all that
and I have to figure something so I
flipped the switch on my interviews and
I said to myself and finding these
interns I was looking for with these
interviews that I would turn them into
that I would push them forward and that
always show that they should never give
you like this ever again but I would
help them to be better the next time
around and from there I created a I for
Mazur call College disrupt we’re now
talk on college campuses all around the
country create these skill sets them
kids so they can propose those board and
deliver a little ROI from all your
parents paying all that money to them
you know to the schools and helping them
go along and if you are a Rybak so this
lets them get ahead when they go for a
job position themselves hiring they have
a better job in the future and it works
for employers to find the best person
they want so let me ask you a few
questions how many people here love
their job like hands down 20% love how
many people hate their job and how many
people take the drop so much they hope
their company enclosed well I’m going to
tell you research and Alice did a poll
you guys were all kind of similar 51
percent pal research says of employees
are ambivalent about their job saving
like good job but maybe they do maybe
they don’t
30% of them want to leave their drop
today and truly ninety percent of them
would like to see their company implode
they just like it so much so with my
basic medium is I feel like 50% of these
people are going to be in agreement here
fairly quickly so over time I created
these two little secrets and eight
questions that I used in my interviews
to bring people along and I’m going to
share them with you today and I want you
to kind of answer them by yourselves
we’re afternoon if you’re today think
about them and try and do it they’re
proven I’ve proven them over six years
like I said an 850 interviews you can do
this hustle the answer what let’s jump
right to it so the first little secret
is that everything is a competition
especially interview and if you go if
you let your guard down you know
somebody’s gonna beat you along the way
I promise you that
just speaker mentioned Tom Brady
greatest of all time they say right love
him or hate him Tom Brady walks on the
field and he crushes it he goes half
there any one thought I’m going to beat
everybody else and in the interview
that’s what you have to pay it is an
intellectual competition that you have
to win every time
forget the employers are looking for the
best person and if you’re second or less
a second or the person that doesn’t make
any sense to have to be perfect apply
that mentality you a little secret
number two you must connect with people
fast no matter where it is interview
super important second part of this is
like in life when you talk to people
people want to be engaged by people they
night they want to talk to them you want
people to want to talk to you and he
gave you an that it’s really important
in you so we all know that you’d never
give a second chance at a first
impression we’ve all heard that and
we’ve all heard and know that people
judge me in the first five or ten
seconds in fact you all judge me already
you’ve all made a dressing you don’t I
call this guy right into the mouth and
that dates back to how everybody engages
people as a whole whether it came in
days all the way today so when you meet
somebody three things happen to you and
think about this that person either
becomes a friend really quickly they
become a foe or you’re totally
indifferent about that person and two of
those three things for that you need to
become a friend right away you need to
engage people really quickly and make
them want to engage with you so they
look like two little secrets let’s get
on to the eight questions you can use as
a where or as an interviewee feel free
to steal them great and then try to
answer them so my first question to you
is the easy icebreaker question did you
bring a resume or cover letter today and
the millennial answer is now I’d email
it to you
which makes me smirk the pink that paint
I don’t understand that a thousand
emails that my
today that I am totally grounded by
email and I don’t have her email right
come on bring your resume come on it’s
probably the most creative writing that
you did you read my description that one
that I put my heart and soul into that
keep every secret about my job that you
should know before you walk in here I’m
like great we’ll get to that
so hey next question it’s a little tough
on these sighs what’s on your resume and
that beautiful cover letter tell me
about yourself in 60 seconds or less
don’t tell me what’s on your resume your
cover letter that’s hard try and answer
that to yourself and can you go for 60
seconds think about this this is your
personal elevator pitch this is he was
talking about you
this is you talking about the character
of your life’s journey and what you
overcome the way you vision of where
you’re going and what success we have
and for the employer this is that
employer who’s going to think that’s
this person belong on my team are they
gonna work with my other fellow
employees so that I love war who is the
character of this person and that’s what
this question is asking so teaching come
from a foreign country what did you
overcome in your life did you learn a
second language did you have family
things bring out those things that just
make you so special but talk to your
life successes and make sure that you
show them off this is your 60 second
elevator pitch so now enough about you
and I get to ask my question what do you
know about me so we’ll go through the
list people will say well you’re a nice
person Global Business Development buy a
car so they knew my photo and then
they’ll stop then we go to the LinkedIn
crowd yeah what’s your Linkedin they’re
not telling you they went to my
about a week ago they look better for
about a minute but they’re college kids
and I think there’s hope here right that
their memorization specialists they go
to school it’s not even read the box
they go back they put it on their tests
it’s perfect they should know I linked
it up and down okay go and whatever that
I went to the University of white house
at school of architecture that took that
amazing left turn for the rest of my
life in some media who would ever done
that hey they want to talk about that
some of it and then I follow up my
question with the same question and
that’s what the blankness starts and
there are the whiteness is coming in the
glass guys start they’re like what else
do you want to know so I asked them the
simplest question of all do you have a
cell phone and they’re like of course
what do you do on yourself on any four
things you do on your cell phone super
I do social media so what are those
things that you do on your cell phone
every however the other day did you do
about me in this one part where you’re
controlling your own destiny the
interview where you’re going to propel
yourself ahead for the rest of your life
they look back at me and they’re
frustrated why you do this every day
it’s part of what you’re to do why
wouldn’t you do this especially at this
point you would have known that I’m a
car guy you would have know that I love
Porsches and BMWs and you would have
walked into the room and you want to
said a little secret number two
connecting fast you would have said I
love your Porsches after this interview
can we talk about them and that would
have told me everything and I would have
told me they continued a deep work on me
and then you do your homework that you
would have been my employment we’ve done
that on my bias and that you would have
led my team to success by doing that and
then you would have backed me in the
first five seconds that you walked into
that room and I’m gonna love that
and I would wanted to engage with you
and talk to you so what do you know how
somebody people hire people
companies don’t hire people know the
people that are hot that you’re talking
to all right it’s getting rough right
and then multi-part Madrid this is the
run so I asked them I said you know you
said you materials the creative writing
cover letter and resume is great I know
my intern who’s about students just like
you will be running this process use it
as a resource it will be in touch so I
turn the question back when I say you
all know that however you use my intern
as a resource up until now they’re on it
they’re a positive answers coming
I did a user in terms of scheduled this
appointment today
nice work and I’m like really
so the person who has the job that you
want the person who’s you’re here in
Polish the person who knows everything
about me and the person who probably set
me up for this interview telling me how
good you are and how much the
interaction will you gave me in with him
on this interview and you didn’t ask him
anything questions that I’m not gonna
lie you asked properly and you did you
can do it that’s all the billion dollars
or partnerships of marketing and
advertising if I come over my 16 years
and if I have a resource on the inside
of any company I’m going to I use them
hands down
and if I don’t have a resource I’ll
probably find one right away you need to
use your resources and if you do they’re
going to answer all the questions were
going to beat everybody in this
interview alright we’re up to number
five let’s do a little thinking how many
what’s on your resume the price my work
and my successes of business and how
you’re going to make me money they love
to talk about what they did and not what
they’re going to do and you have to
think before you walk interview you’ve
got this great job description to give
you all the answers you have to think
about how you’re going to find
to that and how you’re going to help
that company I call it the ABC answer
you’re going to answer the question
you’re gonna create a benefit from that
question and they have been connected
back to the profitability for that
company ABC answer the question benefit
that and that’s what I’m looking for and
this person be on my team can they lead
a meeting with my clients can they bring
the money in and they apply the skill
system what they’ve done for us this is
what you’re looking for as an employee
right as an employer you want to hire
this person asking the question what
applies to me so we get along is rough
and it’s a little bumpy now so I say to
them I go you got my job description
Oh everything about our company know all
these things so you know that we use
Excel and PowerPoint a lot more we do a
lot of people using their companies so I
go what works if you bring today’s show
me example to here at work and they sit
there across and them very nice dresses
and suits or whatever they bought their
they they look at me with dagger eyes
with their a guy or the girls and
they’re frustrated does they know they
should have bought something and it goes
all the way back to what we were in
elementary school and what was her
favorite day in elementary school time
and you can bring out your work and you
can do this stuff that’s really good but
they don’t have anything to bring and I
want to see it so I ask them did you
ever buy a car oh my god I bought a car
and go let’s go through the steps of
mine the car
you greased her suppose you did
hopefully did today you showed up at the
law but you’re showing them here today
walks around the car
the south sky and I’m sure you just gave
him the money all right just give it to
him I like the part here you go it’s
none of you agree what’s missing
that’s Drive missing the test-drive it
this is what I’m asking right now I want
to test-drive you in this interview the
time that you’re controlling your own
destiny I want to test from you and
you’re not allowing me to do this so how
can i buy this car how can i buy you
today we need to be able to be test
driven all right it’s their time to ask
questions because everybody’s got
questions in every right so I say to
them you can ask me any question you
want right now and I’ll have one roll
the questions can only be turn it on how
you will get this job they’re thinking
about that like stuff what do you mean
of course this has to be only on how I
can get this job the answer is no they
want to talk about like what I do in a
typical week what’s the vacation like
you know who am i working with told you
all of that but now I can only ask me
questions that help them get the job
they don’t know what to ask they should
ask how did i do today everybody else am
i in your top five today in your top
three two one and if I am your top one
my favorite question would you hire me
today that’s a closer right there right
would you hire me today but I love that
because that person is sitting across
from you and they know their purpose
today they came to this meeting to get a
job and that’s what you want you want a
curses gonna go to your meeting and go
get the business right so they know
their purpose today they came here to
get a job they know how to ask they’re
not even afraid to ask for the job
because that’s what you have to do
that’s they ask for the order and that’s
what it is – always respectful
it’s not easy process ask you can ask
different ways to ask these questions
that help you get the job
yes okay make sense so this is pretty
fast do this so last person I have for
them I told them that I’m interviewing
50 people in this round I’m gonna pick
one of those people right so let’s
imagine all 50 people are sitting around
this conference table right now and I’m
gonna go around the table when I ask
each one of them individually why do I
hire you and not anybody else tell me
the single reason water tell me the
reasons why and I only two things one
you miss the interview you go last
you’re number 50 and the last rule is
you can’t repeat what are you gonna say
and that takes a lot yeah I take a
minute like absolutely take a look but
they can’t do it and most of the stuff
has been set before right I work hard
I’m the hardest worker I’ve stay late I
do all this up people have set answers
then I go back and I go here’s what you
need remember in the beginning when I
said tell me about yourself in 60
seconds or less
did that you told me about your
character and your life dream give all
these great things remember what I said
what do you know about me and you did
the deep research and you looked me up
on your phone and you did all this stuff
and I did that this is you asked me and
I did that I did all that for you I knew
you loved Porsche so they still want to
talk to you about that
remember where we talked about graded
materials and I did that I do love
show-and-tell I write this stuff and
remember what I have talked about when I
applied my past skill set to what your
job is and how I could make you money
and hard fit in I remember I talked
about all these things and the other
things and I don’t think any of these 49
others did that and that’s why you
should hire me that’s on the best and
that’s who you want to write and I will
help your team succeed in I help you
succeed so two little secrets and eight
simple questions to ask in any interview
right that’s what employer you can use
them if you do these as an interviewee
every interview every one of my interns
it’s every job they want from now on
they win every time because they know
how to go to the interview prepared they
stop wasting people’s time so stop
wasting your time is employer or as an
interviewee right we did everything
change your life come on it’s that
intersection it’s the most sense if the
job noise walk do everything that’s X
hold there 23 year-old son so many times
things wrong your own destiny people let’s do this
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